Yearly commemoration event for the Exodus of Jews from Arab countries & Iran

Yearly commemoration event for Exodus of Jews

  •   Speech by Ambassador Keidar
    (Ambassador Keidar's speech on the occasion of the annual commemoration event for the Exodus of the Jews from Arab countries and Iran.The event was organized by the Swiss Friends for Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, sponsered by the Israeli embassy in Bern. At the center of the event stood the screening of the film MURAL about the exodus of Jewish children from Morocco in 1961 as an homage to Mr. David Littman, who was one of the heroes who made this operation possible. His widow Bat Ye'or (pictured) gave the key note speech.)

    Today, on 30th November, we commemorate for the 4th consecutive year the immigration and expulsion of Arab and Iranian Jews according to a law that was passed in the Knesset in 2014. On this day, we are proud to celebrate the amazing and wonderful heritage of millions of Jews who lived in the Middle East and North Africa. Most of them arrived in Israel as refugees and today those people and their descendants comprise about half of Israel’s population.

    This date of 30th November was set because of its proximity to November 29th, the day of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the partition plan of Palestine 70 years ago. Antisemitism and pogroms against Jews happened in many Arab countries even before this date. But after 1947, persecution of Jews, killings and confiscation of their properties intensified and became a State policy of the Arab governments. The Jews feared for their lives and were forced to leave their home countries, leaving behind their private and communal property. They had to leave empty handed the countries in which they had lived for thousands of years.

    Nowadays, in all the Arab countries only a few hundred of Jews are left. This has been pure and simple ethnic cleansing.

    The Arab countries are responsible for the tragedy and misery of the Jewish refugees. The same countries are also responsible for the suffering and misery of the Palestinian refugees. By not accepting the UN partition plan and then attacking the newly born Israel from all sides, aiming to destroy it, they caused the Palestinian refugee problem,  and have been perpetuating it ever since for the sole reason of bashing Israel.

    The Arab countries and whoever assists them in keeping the Palestinian refugees in their misery should take upon themselves the blame and the shame.

    In a strong contrast, we are proud that the Jewish refugees from Arab countries managed to build new and prosperous lives in Israel despite the hardships they went through in the first years after their arrival.

    We will continue to demand that justice will be done to Jewish refugee from Arab countries by giving them back their properties and compensating them for the suffering they endured.
