Start JLM 2017 Competition Switzerland

Start JLM 2017 Competition now open!

    Jerusalem, the capital of the Start-up Nation, is an exciting place for entrepreneurs, a home base for leading Israeli companies, investors and academic institutions. The city's multicultural energy has created a unique environment for innovators to connect and bring their world-changing ideas to fruition.
    Start JLM brings together innovative, early-stage start-up founders from around the globe to explore and experience Jerusalem's vibrant start-up ecosystem. This is a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to connect and benefit from interaction with prominent local tech leaders in a five-day immersive program in November 2017; featuring interactive fireside chats and panels, specially designed how-to workshops, site visits at leading companies, and exclusive networking meet-ups with the city's start-up community.
    So, how do you make sure you get a shot at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Enter the competition! Applications are open until September 22, 2017.
    This year we are looking for innovators with start-ups in ICT, IOT, Mobile, Web and Tech.
    If you would love to have a chance to rub shoulders with the movers and shakers on the start-up scene, gain valuable insight and further develop your company; start preparing your pitch!
    Submit the completed application form (linked to on this page) to . The best applicants will be invited to a final pitching event in Bern on October 9, 2017, where an expert panel will choose and announce the winner.
    The winner will be invited to participate in the Start JLM program in Jerusalem from November 5 to November 11, 2017. The program’s costs are fully funded by the organizers, including one round-trip flight ticket and accommodation. This competition is organized by the Embassy of Israel to Switzerland in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI).