Regarding a press report on Israeli-German relations

Press report on Israeli-German relations

  •   Regarding a press report on Israeli-German relations
    ​The governments of Israel and Germany have been engaged for several years in a close dialogue on a wide range of issues reflecting the excellent relations between the two countries.
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)
    The news item carried today by "Yediot Aharonot" regarding the issue of reparations to Ghetto workers does not reflect reality, and certainly not the position of the Israeli government.
    We do not know of any linkage between the handling of reparations to Holocaust survivors and the issue of settlements.
    Israel works hand in hand with the relevant authorities in Germany, including the Chancellor's Office, in order to swiftly resolve in an appropriate manner the dossier of Ghetto workers.
    The governments of Israel and Germany have been engaged for several years in a close dialogue on a wide range of issues reflecting the excellent relations between the two countries.