Registering Israelis Born Abroad

Registering Israeli Citizens Born Abroad



    The Consulate will not be able to authenticate Public Canadian official documents, including Birth Certificates, and those must be stamped by Apostille prior to its submission to the Consulate.



    · Israeli law stipulates that children born to Israeli citizens abroad must be registered up to 30 days from the day of birth.

    · The marital status of the Israeli parent must be updated in the population registry before a child can be registered. If an update of a parent's marital status is necessary, they must apply for a marital status update prior to registering a child. (For information on how to update your marital status, click here).

    · If both parents are Israeli citizens and are not married to each other, the parents must add an additional declaration to the required documentation. (To download the declaration, click here). 

    · If one parent is Israeli, the other is not, and the parents are not married (i.e. or are not registered as married in the Israeli Ministry of Interior/the Israeli citizens registry), the couple must still update their marriage status and, the couple must add additional documents as proof that they share a life and that this has been the situation at least 300 days prior to the birth of the applicant. A list of optional documents can be found at the bottom of this page.

    · Applicants 16.4 years-old and older must add an additional form concerning their military status. (For further information regarding military status and the form, click here).

    · The minor and both his parent must all be present at the appointment.

    · An adult (person over 18’years of age) coming to register as an Israeli citizen must present themself at their appointment together with their Israeli parent(s).  i.e. a parent who is not an Israeli citizen is not obliged to appear.





    When a child is born abroad to Israeli citizens, the parents must notify of their child's birth at the Consulate.


    Form for Notification of the Birth of an Israeli Citizen Abroad​


    Required attendees:

    1.         If the parents are married, then there is only need for one parent to come to the Consulate to notify of the child's birth.

    2.         If the parents are not married (for example, common law marriage), both parents must come to register the child's birth.

    3.          The parents do not have to bring the child to the Consulate to register them as an Israeli citizen. However, if the parents want to apply for a passport for the child, they must bring the child to the Consulate to be present for identification purposes.

    Required Documents:

    ·  the parents most recent Israeli passport If one parent is not Israeli, their foreign passport is required. 

    · Notification of birth signed by the Israeli parent(s).  Notification form can be found here.

    · Application for an Israeli traveling document signed by both parents. Application form can be found here).   

    · Two (2) recent passport pictures of the applicant on a white background and in size 2x2 inch 

    ·         Applicant's birth certificate (extended form), with Apostille.

    · Two (2) items serving as proof of birth from the following list:

    · Hospital discharge form signed by a doctor or a nurse.

    · Doctor’s discharge form signed by the doctor who delivered the applicant.

    · Ultrasound scan from the third trimester of the pregnancy indicating the mother's name and the date on which it was taken.

    · Newborn identification card with the applicant's fingerprints or footprints, that includes the mother's and the applicant's information.

    · Prepaid, labelled and addressed envelope with tracking number (to ship the passport once it's issued)

    ·         The parents must also bring a medical document in English indicating the birth of the child, such as a hospital release form or a letter from the physician who accompanied the woman during the pregnancy.



    Documentation that may be submitted as Proof of a Shared Life:

    When registering a child, all parents who did not update their marriage before the beginning of the pregnancy must present proof of shared life 300 days before the birth and before that.​


    All proofs must be from 300 days prior to the birth. The applicant and his parents require presenting at least four proofs of the following list. Please note that some of the proofs are considered more compelling than others. Make sure that the applicant must have a least two more compelling proofs.




    ·         Lease Agreement/Contract indicating purchase of an apartment indicating both parents' names.

    ·         Utility bills indicating both parents' names.

    ·         Joint insurance policies indicating both parents' names.

    ·         Proof of existence of a shared bank account indicating both parents' names.

    ·         Tax returns indicating both parents' names.

    Less compelling proofs:

    ·         Letters from close friends and family about the couple and their relationship from the time of pregnancy and after birth. Letters must be in hard copy and must be signed and dated by the persons writing. A copy of the writers Israeli ID must be included as well as contact information Time stamped pictures of the couple.

    ·         Proof of money transfers between bank accounts (if the couple doesn't have a joint bank account).

    ·         Proof of joint membership in cultural or sports institutions.

    ·         Proof of joint flights, such as boarding passes Proof of joint hotel stays.

    ·         Proof of joint purchases.

    ·         A marriage certificate is not considered as proof of a shared life.

    Any other documents that will be requested at the discretion of the Consul.


    Important note: Please note, the documents received during the meeting as evidence are given to the consul's consideration and it is possible that the applicant will be asked to present additional documents.​
