Security Instructions

Security Instructions


    Gener​al Instructions for people wishing to obtain consular services at the Mission offices:

    1.    The Consulate will provide consular services by appointment only. No appointment is necessary for citizens requiring a life certificate. To obtain an appointment, please use our online appointment system

    2.    Please bring a valid photo ID, preferably a passport or government issued Identity Card.

    3.    Every visitor is required to undergo a thorough security check before entering the waiting room.

    4.    The Consulate deals with a large amount of different cases every day. For this reason, please come on time, fully prepared and with all the forms completed.

    5.    For security purposes, no personal objects will be allowed into the Consulate – bags of all sizes, handbags, purses, mobile phones, electronic devices, food and/or beverage bottles or containers.

    6.    Items you are allowed to bring into the Consulate – passports and photo IDs, credit/debit cards and other means of payment, any documents you may need at the Consulate, reading glasses.

    7.    Due to the limited size of the waiting room and the volume of visitors, a person who does not have an appointment and/or is not in need of consular service will not be permitted to enter the Consulate. This includes spouses and family members. Seniors, disabled and minors requiring consular services may be escorted by one other person.

    8.    Please come ready with your payment. Cash payments are not accepted- only debit/credit cards (not American Express).

    9.    Security directives apply to all those that visit the Consulate. The instructions of the security staff must be obeyed at all times.​


    · A photo ID is required for admittance to the Consulate.

    · Please allow 20 minutes before your scheduled appointment for a security check.

    · Personal purses are allowed. However, large backpacks, suitcases and electronic devices are prohibited.
    In addition, Food, beverages and containers containing liquids are prohibited.

    · You must adhere to security personnel and instructions throughout your visit at the Consulate.

