Netanyahu to Peres: I have formed a government

Netanyahu to Peres: I have formed a government

    Following the signing of coalition agreements with Yesh Atid and Habayit Hayehudi, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with President Shimon Peres on Saturday evening, March 18, to inform him that he has succeeded in the task of forming a government. The new government is scheduled to be sworn in on Monday at the Knesset.
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    President Peres and PM Netanyahu President Peres and PM Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    Photo: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    PM Netanyahu: "As you know, I formed a government. We face a decisive year in the fields of security and economy, in efforts to promote peace and in Israelis' desire to effect change. There is cooperation in this government and I believe we will bring change to all Israeli citizens in all areas. That is my mission."

    President Peres: "The task of forming a government is complex and requires great efforts and resourcefulness. There were difficulties in the creation of this government and I congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu that succeeded in forming the government in time. There are problems pending but they are also full of opportunities in the fields of security, welfare and in making peace in progressing the peace process. The country needs it and the people need it. The time has come.
    Good luck and my blessings to Prime Minister Netanyahu and the new government."

    The White House issued the following statement: "President Obama congratulates the Israeli people, Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the new members of the Prime Minister’s governing coalition on the successful formation of Israel’s new government. President Obama looks forward to working closely with the prime minister and the new government to address the many challenges we face and advance our shared interest in peace and security. The United States places a high value on its deep and enduring bonds with Israel and the Israeli people. The President looks forward to further strengthening those bonds when he travels to Israel next week to meet with Israeli officials and to speak directly with the Israeli people."
