Israels response to the anti-Israel UNESCO resolution 21 April 2016

Israel’s response to the anti-Israel UNESCO resolution

    The UNESCO resolution has no practical validity. Nevertheless, we will not permit international entities to blur the Jewish people’s connection to its eternal capital.
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    MFA Director General Dr. Dore Gold MFA Director General Dr. Dore Gold Copyright: MFA
    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    Under the direction of Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, MFA Director-General Dore Gold sent a sharp letter of protest to all the countries who voted in favor of the UNESCO resolution concerning Jerusalem.

    In the letter, Dir-Gen Gold protested the attempt to erase the Jewish yearning for Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish people, and to Judaism’s holy places.

    Dir-Gen. Gold: “The UNESCO resolution has no practical validity. Nevertheless, we will not permit international entities to blur the Jewish people’s connection to its eternal capital.”