Israel and Intersectionality Event 2017

Israel and Intersectionality Event 2017

    ​​Shai DeLuca-Tamasi and Hen Mazzig, two openly gay Israelis and veterans discussed Israel, intersectionality, diversity and pride in Toronto this week. 
    Consul General Galit Baram met with Shai and Hen to discuss the work they do in the LGBT community and Canada-Israel relations over a good cup of coffee, Israeli style.

    Shai DeLuca-Tamasi is the founder and presdient of SHAI DELUCA INTERIOR DESIGN. In 2011, Shai joined Canada's top design professionals as an Interior Design Expert on Canada's number one morning show: CityTV's Cityline. He served in the IDF as an openly gay and proud front-line engineer. 

    Hen Mazzig is an Israeli writer, international speaker, social media activist and advocate for his country. Hen’s family comes from Iraq and North Africa and his experience allows him to shares his family’s story and the story of 850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab countries. As a young Israeli, Hen served in the IDF for almost five years as an openly gay commander.