Israel-Holy See Joint Communiqué 5 Jube 2013

Israel - Holy See Joint Communiqué

    ​The Commission took notice that significant progress was made and the parties committed themselves to accelerate negotiations on the remaining issues.
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)
    The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the State of Israel and the Holy See met today, 5 June 2013, at the Vatican, at the Plenary level to continue negotiations pursuant to the Fundamental Agreement Art. 10 paragraph 2.
    The meeting was headed by Mr. Zeev Elkin, M.K., Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel and by Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, Under-Secretary for the Holy See's Relations with States.
    The Commission welcomed the two new heads of the delegations, and acknowledged the contribution of Ambassador Bahij Mansour to the negotiations and wished him success in his new position.
    The negotiations took place in a thoughtful and constructive atmosphere. The Commission took notice that significant progress was made and the parties committed themselves to accelerate negotiations on the remaining issues, and look forward to an expedited conclusion in the near term.
    The Parties have agreed on future steps and to hold the next plenary meeting by December 2013 in Jerusalem.
    Delegation of the State of Israel:
    Mr. Zeev Elkin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Mr. Zion Evrony, Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See
    Mr. Ehud Keinan, Deputy Director General, Legal Division (MFA), Co-Chairman of the Working Level of the Bilateral Permanent Working Commission
    Mr. Bahij Mansour, Director of the Inter-Religious Affairs Department (MFA)
    Mr. Moshe Golan, Senior Deputy State’s Attorney responsible for Civil Law Matter, Ministry of Justice
    Mr. Itai Apter, Department for International Agreements, Ministry of Justice
    Ms. Karin Doseretz, General International Law Department, Legal Division (MFA)
    Mr. Rony Tzuberi, Chief of Staff, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Mr. Gershon Kedar, Policy Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Delegation of the Holy See:
    Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, Under-Secretary for the Holy See's Relations with States
    H.E. Arch. Antonio Franco, Apostolic Nuncio, Co-Chairman of the Working Level of the Bilateral Permanent Working Commission
    H.E. Arch. Giuseppe Lazzarotto, Apostolic Nuncio in Israel
    H.E. Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Patriarchal Vicar for Israel
    Msgr. Maurizio Malvestiti, Under-Secretary of the Congregation for Oriental Churches
    Msgr. Alberto Ortega Martín, Official of the Secretariat of State
    Mr. Henry Amoroso, Principal Legal Adviser
    Mr. Samir Abu-Nassar, C.P.A., Financial Adviser
    Archimandrite Maher Abboud, Vicar General Greek-Melkite Archeparchy of Akko
    Fr. Elias Daw, President of the Tribunal Greek-Melkite Church in Israel
    Fr. Pietro Felet S.C.J., Secretary General of the A.O.C.T.S.
    Fr. Ibrahim Faltas O.F.M., Custody of the Holy Land