Ed Fast to lead delegation to Israel

Trade Minister Fast to lead delegation to Israel

    ​ Minister Fast to Lead Multi-sector Trade Mission to Israel
    Supporting Canadian businesses boosts exports and creates jobs
    June 11, 2015 - Ottawa, Ontario
    International Trade Minister Ed Fast today announced that he will lead a trade mission to Israel from July 21 to July 24, 2015. Minister Fast made the announcement at a round table with Canadian business leaders on Canada’s trade relationship with Israel.
    The trade mission to Israel will provide on-the-ground support to Canadian companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as they take advantage of the opportunities available in one of the most dynamic economies in the Middle East. The mission will focus on agriculture and processed foods; fish and seafood; life sciences; information and communications technologies, including wireless and cybersecurity; and sustainable technologies, including biofuels.
    Building on Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s historic official visit to Israel in January 2014, this trade mission will further deepen the Canada-Israel economic partnership.
    “Canada deeply values its close ties with Israel and looks forward to continuing to strengthen our economic partnership. As Prime Minister Harper highlighted during his historic state visit in 2014, Israel is an example to the world; an extraordinary society, a vibrant democracy and an innovative, world-leading start-up nation. Our government is ambitious about what our countries can achieve together.
    “I encourage Canadian companies to join me on this important trade mission to find new opportunities in this dynamic economy.”
    - Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade

    Quick Facts

    • Bilateral merchandise trade between Canada and Israel was nearly $1.6 billion in 2014, an increase of 8.2 percent over 2013.
    • Bilateral trade in services was $401 million in 2013, a 9.9-percent increase from 2012.
    • Israel is a priority market under Canada’s Global Markets Action Plan (GMAP).
    • Trade missions are just one of the many tools the Harper government provides Canadian companies through GMAP to help them as they boost their exports and find success in global markets.
    • As part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2015, Prime Minister Harper announced a total of $50 million over five years in direct financial assistance to Canadian SMEs for market research and participation in trade missions. It is expected that this funding will help between 500 and 1,000 Canadian entrepreneurs per year reach their full export potential.