Cabinet marks International Women's Day 2012

Cabinet marks Intl Women's Day

  •   Cabinet marks International Women's Day 2012
    The Cabinet discussed the recommendations of the committee appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on preventing the exclusion of women.
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    The Cabinet today, marked International Women's Day and approved a plan to increase the participation of women in local administration. The goal of the plan, led by Deputy Minister for the Advancement of Women Gila Gamliel, is to increase the representation of women among the leadership of local councils, which currently stands at approximately 12%.
    The Cabinet also discussed the recommendations of the committee appointed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on preventing the exclusion of women, including dealing with the complaints that reach the Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women hotline and the advertising campaign to increase awareness regarding the exclusion of women. These recommendations will be added to those which have already been implemented:
    * The Civil Service Commission has issued directives against the exclusion of women at Government and State ceremonies.
    * The Transportation and Road Safety Ministry has opened a hotline to deal with instances of the exclusion of women on public transportation and will require transportation companies to post signs banning such exclusion. It will also instruct drivers on how to deal with violations.
    * The Religious Services Ministry will instruct burial societies, the Chief Rabbinate and religious councils to ban preventing women from participating in eulogies and the burial of loved ones.
    * The Justice Ministry will evaluate instances in which women have been restricted in media subject to regulation.
    * The Israel Police will step up enforcement vis-a-vis offenses against women.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "The place of women in the public space must be ensured and equal. Israel is a democratic country. There is no place in it either for harassment or for discrimination. We will act against cases of exclusion and will encourage the involvement of women in public life. Thus it has been and thus it will continue. In a country with women pilots, women will be everywhere."
    Minister Limor Livnat, who chaired the aforesaid committee, said, "Today, it is important that the Cabinet speaks in a loud and clear voice that there can be no exclusion of - or discrimination against - women."
    Deputy Minister Gamliel said, "The Government's actions are designed to promote equality and to bring about a significant increase in the participation of women in setting the agenda in the various communities. International Women's Day is designed to show appreciation and respect for women and their achievements. We must continue to ensure their involvement in all facets of life. Discrimination and racism have no place."