  • News and Events

    • For the first time, the land owned by the State has been appraised. The scope of assets in respect to projects in cooperation with the private sector stands at approximately NIS 19 billion ...
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    • On August 19, the world marks World Humanitarian Day, celebrating the efforts of those who provide assistance to those who are suffering.
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    • FM Liberman will ask the EU states to include Hizbullah in the list of terrorist organizations and to boost security arrangements at airports and at Israeli and Jewish facilities.
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    • A clear line of terror runs from the bombing in Argentina to the attack in Bulgaria. It begins and ends in Iran. The Iranian campaign of terrorism is a plague that threatens not only Israel ...
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    • Deputy FM Ayalon and the Munich widows thank the Australian Speaker of Parliament for the decision to hold a minute of silence in memory of the Israeli athletes murdered in Munich.
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