Health, Science & Technology
  • Health, Science & Technology

    • ​​Cybersecurity
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    • Air pollution, clouds and their relationship, Physics of cloud formation and precipitation, Nature of clouds, Ground based measurements of immersion freezing in Israel, Measurements of Ice ...
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    • Aeronautical Engineering, Israeli Politics
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    • Missile Defense; International Defense Cooperation
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    • Stem Cell Research
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    • Air Pollution and Health; A Novel Idea to Reduce the Risk Associated with Emission of Smoke Particles from Transportation; Dynamics of Aerosols Emitted from the Respiratory System and Trans ...
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    • 3D Printing and Robotics, New Materials Design and Construction, Sustainability, Green Buildings and Cities, Industrial Ecology, Circular Economy, Contemporary Architecture and Design
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    • American and Israeli Health Care Systems: A Comparison, Medical Informatics​
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    • ​Medicine and Conflict
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    • Ministry of Health
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    • Israeli Entrepreneurship; Technology and Innovation in Israel; Sustainability in Israel; Israel’s Political System
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    • High-tech Venture Start-ups – Fundamentals, Cultural and Business Differences throughout the World, Information and Data Security, Mobile and Cloud Computing Platforms with focus on Graphic ...
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    • Israel at Eye-Level, through the Prism of a Medical Institution
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    • Innovation in Government, Weather Forecasting, Preparedness to Extreme Natural Events, Climate Change
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    • Cord blood stem cells for therapy of brain trauma; Rasagiline: A Blue-White drug for Parkinson's; Tissue engineering: Where Are We?
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    • The Mediterranean Diet; Obesity; Diabetes; Dietary interventions and Nutrition; Air Pollution and Adverse Health Effects
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    • A History of Shaar Haaliya, Israel’s Ellis Island; Health and Zionism; Between Bombs and Bread: Working for Co-Existence in Israel during the Second Intifada; The History of Medicine in I ...
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    • Environment in Israel, Environmental politics, Environmental Peace-building, Environmental History of Israel, Environment and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Sustainable Development and ...
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    • Eating Disorders; Nocturnal Eating Disorders; Anorexia; Bulimia; Obesity; Eating Relations
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    • Hospital acquired infections, Development of new drugs, Clinical Research in 21st Century, Infectious and Endemic Diseases, Bird Migration to Israel
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