Peace & Security
  • Security & Defense

    • Unstoppable: Making Success Inevitable by Adopting The Core Principles of the IDF; Best Leadership Practices; Counter-Terrorism; How to Lose a Winning Argument: The Political Cost of Failin ...
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    • Counterterrorism; International Security; Israel Defense Forces
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    • Missile Defense; International Defense Cooperation
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    • Middle East analysis
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    • International Relations; Peace and Conflict Management; Public diplomacy, rhetorical bargaining, and crisis decision-making
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    • Iran, Peace Process, Changes in the Middle East and Strategic Ramifications for Israel, US in the Middle East
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    • The Middle East in Transition; Radicalism and Pragmatism in the Middle East; The United States and the Middle East; Israel's National Security Challenges; The Israeli Society and its Nation ...
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    • Terrorism on the Internet: The New Threats
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    • Intelligence Corps, IDF
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    • International and comparative criminal law, comparative constitutional law, international law and legal issues surrounding war, torture and terrorism
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    • Israel and its conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah; The Connections between Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Syria; Israeli Deterrence; Israel's Security Paradigm in the New Middle East
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    • U.S. policy in the Middle East; Israeli-Palestinian peace talks; Domestic developments in Israel; Arab and Palestinian affairs; Turkey’s relations with Israel; the Arabs and the U.S.
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    • International terrorism, Incitement and terrorism, Challenges to Israeli society
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    • Middle East Terrorism; Terrorism and Israel; Terrorism and The U.S.
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