Chuck Freilich

Chuck Freilich

  •   Boston, Massachusetts
    Iran, Peace Process, Changes in the Middle East and Strategic Ramifications for Israel, US in the Middle East
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    Freilich was a deputy national security adviser in Israel. He is now a senior fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government where he specializes in Middle Eastern affairs, US-Middle East policy and Israeli national security policy. He also teaches political science at Harvard, NYU, Columbia and the Herzliva Inter-Disciplinary Center.
    He is the author of a first of its kind book on Israel’s national security decision making processes (“Zion’s Dilemmas: How Israel Makes National Security Policy”, Cornell Press, 2012), which was awarded the 2014 annual book prize by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Israel’s preeminent think tank. He is now nearing completion of a new book entitled "Israeli National Security: A New Strategy for an Era of Change", a much needed look at what has changed in Israel's national security setting and recommendations for change. He is also co-authoring a book on Israel and the threat of cyber warfare.
    Chuck has appeared as a commentator for ABC, CNN, NPR, El Jezira and various US, Israeli and foreign radio and TV stations. He has been quoted in the NY Times and other media and published numerous articles and op-eds on a variety of Middle Eastern issues.
    Chuck was a Senior Analyst at the Israel Ministry of Defense, policy adviser to a cabinet minister, a delegate at the Israeli Mission to the UN and the executive director of two non-profits. He served in the Israel Defense Forces for five years and is a reserve major.
    Chuck earned his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Born in New York, he immigrated to Israel in his teens. He has two grown children, Lior and Tal. He currently lives in Israel and spends the spring semester in the US each year.

    To schedule, contact: ​Tori Bentkover, Director of Public Relations