Religion & History
  • Religion & History

    • Middle East analysis
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    • Jewish Music; Israeli Music; Music in the Holocaust; Israeli Cultural History
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    • Nationalism and Religion in the Middle East; Arab-Israeli Conflict; Radical Islam; Israeli Society and Politics; Islamic History; The Baha’i Faith
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    • Modern Middle Eastern and North African History and Politics; Contemporary Middle Eastern Affairs; Israeli History
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    • Campus Field Organizer Eastern Region for Christians United for Israel
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    • ​Arch​eology and History, Israel and Geopolitics​​
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    • Religious Pluralism and Social Justice in Israel
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    • Jews in American Politics, Israel American Relations, Israel’s Changing Collective Identity, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; a Historical Perspective, American Christian Leaders and the Strug ...
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    • Zionism, Modern Jewish History, Establishment of the State of Israel
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    • Palestinian History and Politics and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Israel’s geopolitical situation in the Middle East and the role of High Education and Students in Building National Identities ...
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    • War of the Word: How Language Has Been Hijacked in the Campaign Against Israel’s Legitimacy
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    • The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Evolution of Zionist Thought, Arab Nationalism and Political Islamism, Middle East History, Middle East Historiography, History of Jerusalem or the Temple Mount, ...
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    • Classical Islam in the Service of Contemporary Issues; Islam and Gender; the Question of Jerusalem in Islam; Muslim Minorities in the West; Qur'an Hermeneutics
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    • Jewish Revolts in the Ancient World and During the Time of Jesus; Jews, Pagans and Christians in Ancient Palestine; Bar Kochba: Inventing Jewish Radicalism; Higher Education in Israel; Hist ...
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    • Israeli politics, society, security, Judaism, the Middle East, Turkey, and U.S.-Israel relations
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    • Israel and the Arab Spring; War and Society in Israel; The 1948 War; History of Jewish-Arab Relations
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    • Inter-traditional dialogue between Chinese and Jewish traditions; Comparison between Judaism and Chinese philosophy; Image of Israel, Jewish people and Jewish tradition in China today
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    • The Temple Mount: Juncture of Beliefs, History and Politics; The “Art” of Zealots: The Jewish-Israeli Case; Jewish Women and Revolutionary Movements, Liberal or Zionist?
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    • The Jewish Concept of Homeland: God Given or Originally Grounded?; Jewish Attachment to the Land from Biblical Times to Today; Judah Halevi’s Kuzari and the Modern Concept of Aliyah
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    • Arab-Israeli Conflict and Arab Spring; Israel in the Media; Israel Advocacy; Education in Israel
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