Science: Energy R&D

    Israel is a leader in the solar energy field at every level and the world's largest per capita user of solar water heaters in the home.​​​​​

    Field of Mirrors at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Courtesy of the Weizmann Institute of Science)

    Extensive development of alternative energy sources such as solar, thermal, and wind energy has been a positive outcome of the country’s lack of conventional energy sources. As a result, Israel is a leader in the solar energy field at every level and the world's largest per capita user of solar water heaters in the home. A new, high-efficiency receiver to collect concentrated sunlight has been developed, which will enhance the use of solar energy in industry as well.

    An advance in harnessing wind energy has been the production of a wind turbine with a flexible, inflatable rotor. Technology utilizing pond water with a certain degree of salinity and mineral composition to absorb and store solar energy has also been developed. Geothermal power stations, capable of extracting heat from the ground and converting it to steam for powering turbines, are now being tested. A project developed by a team of scientists at the Technion, uses dry air and water (even sea or brackish water) to produce energy through 1,000-meter high chimneys.​

    Israel and Energy
    Since its foundation in 1948, Israel has placed great emphasis on conserving energy wherever possible, developing innovative, alternative and sustainable solutions to combat the nation’s lack of natural resources. Ranging from its decades-long use of solar thermal energy, to its development of unique biofuels, the country has consistently turned its natural disadvantages around, achieving great success and demonstrating expertise and knowledge in the field of sustainable energy. Energy sustainability has been a national priority in Israel since day one, and this emphasis has proven itself in one of the world’s most emergent and well-crafted energy systems.
    The Israeli sustainable energy industry is today considered a global pioneer thanks to breakthrough technological innovations in the fields of solar and geothermal, as well as bio-mass, wind and wave energy.
    ·        Israel serves as the base to over 100 start-ups in the sustainable energy sector.
    ·        Solar water heaters are used in over 90% of Israeli homes.
    ·        Israel houses one of the world’s largest solar energy dishes at the Ben-Gurion National Solar Energy Center.
    ·        The Israeli Public Utility Authority and National Infrastructures Ministry have established feed-in tariffs for the development of solar and wind power technology, encouraging major investment and innovation into these fields.
    ·        Israel is currently embarking on programs that will enable it to integrate alternative energy systems and implement energy efficiency technologies to meet its climate change challenges.