Verification of Public Documents - Apostille


    Please note, an apostille stamp is required for a marital status update, for registering a child born outside of Israel, when applying for a visa to Israel for a minor (apostilled birth certificate) and in other events.
    For information about Israeli documents with Apotille press HERE​​​
    There are two possibilities for verifying a public document.
  • Verification by Means of Apostille


    General Information

    In 1978, Israel signed and ratified the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for

    Foreign Public Documents, 1961 (hereinafter: the Hague Convention). The purpose of this Convention

    was to shorten the processes required for a particular country to recognize the official documents

    issued by another country, by means of apostille certification.

    Public documents and certificates that were issued in one of the countries that are signatories to the

    above Convention, and which bear the apostille stamp, are valid for presentation in Israel, without the

    need for additional verification/certification by the diplomatic/consular representative at the Consulate of


    Important Information

    For a list of the countries that are signatories to the Convention, and details about the authority authorized to grant apostille certification in each country, as well as additional information: click here


     List of Apostilles in the states served by the Consulate:


    • Oregon:         (503) 986-2593 web site


    • Idaho:            (208) 332-2810 web site


    • Alaska:          (970) 465-3509 web site


    • Washington: (360) 725-0344 / (360) 725-0345 web site


    • Montana:       (406) 444-1877 / (406) 444-5379 web site


    • California:      (916) 653-3595 web site
  • Verification by Means other than Apostille


    Verification of a document in a country that is not a signatory to the Hague Convention should be

    implemented as follows:

    After the document is verified by the competent authority in the foreign country (usually the Foreign

    Ministry or Ministry of Justice), the Israeli consular representative verifies the signature of the competent
