Register a change in marital status

Register a change in marital status


    Israeli citizens and residents can use this service to register a change in marital status after marriage, divorce, or the death of a spouse, at the consulate.

    By law, Israeli citizens must report any change in their marital status or of a birth of a new child within 30 days.


    Marriage registration

    If both partners are Israeli citizens, both must apply in person.
    *If one partner is an Israeli citizen and the other is not, the Israeli citizen must apply in person.


    Required documents

    ·           Both partners' passports.

    ·           Original marriage certificate - with apostille.

    ·           A completed and signed Notification of Change in Marital Status form

    ·           In case one of the partners is non-Israeli- a certificate of the previous marital status from their country of origin – original with apostille. If the previous status is written on the marriage certificate – no additional documentation is necessary. If you cannot produce this kind of document the non-Israeli partner can give a declaration in front of the consul. *In this case they must come in person.


    Divorce registration​

    If both partners are Israeli citizens, both must apply in person.
    If one partner is an Israeli citizen and the other is not, the Israeli citizen must apply in person.

    Required documents

    ·           The Israeli citizens' passport

    ·           Original divorce certificate agreement or court order - with apostille.

    ·           A completed and signed Notification of Change in Marital Status form.


    Death of a spouse

    Required documents

    ·           The passport of the person providing notification.

    ·           The ID card or passport of the deceased.

    ·           Original death certificate - with apostille.

    ·           A completed and signed Notification about the Death of an Israeli Citizen Abroad form


    Choosing a new last name due to a change of marital status

    After marriage, each spouse can choose a surname according to the following options:

    ·         To take the last name of the spouse.

    ·         To continue to use your current last name

    ·         To resume to use of your former last name.

    ·         To add the spouse’s last name to your last name.

    ·         To use, together with your spouse, a new last name.

    ·         To add another name, chosen together with your spouse, to your last name.


    Selection of a name for a person whose marriage has ended you can choose the following options:

    ·         To resume the use of your former last name

    ·         To resume the use of your maiden name

    ·         To add your former last name to your current last name

    ·         To add your maiden name to your current last name​



    Information contained in this website is general and does not supersede the provisions of the laws of the State of Israel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to modify the procedures from time to time. In any case of a discrepancy, the provisions of Israeli law and/or local law and/or procedures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs take precedence over the information appearing on this website.

