HEALTH: Sharing

Health: Sharing Beyond Borders

    Over the years, patients have come for specialized treatment from all over the world, including countries with which Israel has no diplomatic relations.​​​​​​​​​​​​​


    Home Front Command Civilian Training (Photo: IDF) 

    ​In accordance with the belief that proper medical care is a universal right transcending barriers of ideology and political borders, Israel's hospitals are open to all seeking their expertise. Over the years, patients have come for specialized treatment from all over the world, including countries with which Israel has no diplomatic relations.

    In many parts of Asia and Africa, Israeli doctors and nurses are providing assistance in treating diseases which have been virtually eradicated in developed countries, and share their skills with local medical personnel on exchange programs, some held under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Israeli medical teams also participate in relief efforts in disaster areas.​


    IsraAID, a humanitarian aid agency was founded in 2001 and has developmental programs in over 31 countries around the world. IsraAID works to provide physical and emotional aid to communities and countries that suffer in times of crisis, natural disaster, displacement and war. Specialists and professionals in all fields venture to these locations to assist in the rebuilding and rehabilitation of the community. For more information follow:


    MASHAV is the Hebrew acronym for Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation.
    Israel's official international development cooperation program was launched in late 1957 with the aim of sharing with the rest of the developing world the know-how and technologies which provided the basis for Israel's own rapid development. MASHAV, the Hebrew acronym for Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, was established as a division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. What started as a modest program focused on grassroots-level human capacity building at a time when Israel itself was still very much a developing country, has blossomed into an extensive program of cooperation throughout the developing world with the aim of ensuring social, economic and environmental sustainable development.
    Since its establishment, MASHAV has trained close to 270,000 course participants from approximately 132 countries in Israel and abroad and has developed dozens of demonstration projects worldwide.
    MASHAV has consistently made its priority the goal of poverty alleviation, provision of food security, empowerment of women and upgrade of basic health and education services. The formalization of these priorities in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has only caused us to redouble our longstanding efforts to put Israeli solutions at the service of developing countries in order to further their implementation. For more information follow: