The Cannon-Herskovic Israel Research Scholarship
The expressed purpose for the Cannon-Herskovic Israel
research Scholarship is to crate, via its support for academic research,
ongoing shared intellectual opportunities between Northeastern Illinois
University (NEIU) and the State of Israel's academic, cultural, scientific,
security, and medical communities.
The award is open to an undergraduate student enrolled in the Honors Program at
Northeastern Illinois University who is currently working on his/her Honors
thesis or a graduate student enrolled in Northeastern Illinois University who
is currently working on his/her Masters thesis. The subject of the Honors
or Masters thesis shall be focused on research areas of relevance to the State
of Israel and/or Zionism, and may address any aspect appropriate to the
student's field of academic expertise. Preference will be given to
research endeavors that promote exchanges in research between NEIU and Israeli
institutions. Research proposals that involve interdisciplinary
cooperation will be granted special consideration. The research conducted with
the support of this scholarship must be structured in an academically rigorous,
balanced, and constructive scholarly manner.
This year, the first Cannon-Herskovic Israel Research Scholarship was awarded to Major
John Michael Vosnos who is a political science graduate student at Northeastern
Illinois University. He will be using the scholarship to write his
Masters Thesis which will be a Comparative Study of Israeli and American
Disaster-Terrorist Management Cultures Promoting Civiilan Preparedness. The
award will take him to Israel in February to do research.