Consul General Visits Omaha Nebraska

Consul General Visits Omaha, Nebraska

    On March 18th and 19th, Consul General Roey Gilad visited the University of Nebraska in Omaha ("UNO"). During his visit, the Consul General was a guest panelist at the University's Middle East Forum to discuss the results of the recent election in Israel. Other panelists included Assaf Gavron, Israeli Author and AICE visiting professor at the UNO Schwalb Center; Dr. Curtis Hutt, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and UNO Schwalb Center Special Programs Coordinator; and Dr. Moshe Gershovich, Professor of History and Director of UNO Schwalb Center. The panel also appeared on UNO TV's Consider This, hosted by Kathy Wyatt.
    While on campus, the Consul General also met with UNO Chancellor John Christensen and Sr. Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs and discussed potential collaborations between UNO and Israeli academic institutions. Hel also met with Dr. Thomas Gouttierre, the Dean of the International Affairs Department and Dr. David Boocker, Dean of the College of Arts and Science, and was a guest lecturer in Professor Gershovich's Modern Middle East Class.
    In addition to his visit to UNO, the Consul General met with the editorial page editors from the Omaha World Herald, and gave a briefing to community members.
