Kibbutz volunteers

Kibbutz volunteers

    Since 1967 more than one hundred thousand kibbutz volunteers have arrived in Israel. The kibbutz movement celebrated its centennial anniversary last year and among the many events was the special reunion trip for past volunteers.
  • Kibbutz volunteers on a reunion trip to Israel - 2011 (Photo: Aya Sagi)
    After the Six-Day War in 1967, a wave of volunteers from all over the world began arriving in Israel. Their intentions were to show their goodwill towards the State of Israel and the Israeli people. The notion of a kibbutz community carrying out the true principles of a socialistic society, having all work, property and profit equally shared by its members, intrigued the volunteers.
    Since 1967 more than 100,000 kibbutz volunteers have arrived in Israel, and the number is still growing. As the volunteers contribute to the needs of the kibbutz, the kibbutz offers in return an exciting and unique working holiday experience. A holiday with the possibility to meet, live and work with both Israeli youngsters as well as with other kibbutz volunteers from countries and cultures from far and near.
    The kibbutz movement celebrated its centennial anniversary last year and among the many events was the special reunion trip for past volunteers. Following the success and many enthusiastic responses expressed by its participants, the kibbutz movement is organizing a similar reunion trip for next year: March 4-12 2012 and July 8-16, 2012. Both itineraries are similar, but the one in July is planned for the summer holiday and is more family oriented and will include more "children's attractions", though people of all ages are welcome.
    Kibbutz volunteers on a reunion trip to Israel - 2011 (Photo: Aya Sagi)
    These specially, tailor-made, 8-day tours will bring you back to the kibbutz, with a visit to special sites and an opportunity to enjoy many exciting Israeli attractions. You will stay and eat at different kibbutzim, go rafting or hiking along the Jordan river, enjoy a tractor ride, see spectacular sound & light shows, sail the Sea of Galilee, camp in the desert and much, much more. You will hear about and see the changes that have occurred in the kibbutz since your days as volunteers. Most important, you will have the exciting experience of once again being among many people of various nationalities who will share in the special atmosphere of past days and memories.
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