About the embassy

About the Consulate

    Welcome to the website of the Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles. The Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles is one of Israel’s largest diplomatic missions in the world. It covers the entire Southwest region of the United States including Arizona, Southern California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.

    The Consulate is an official office of the Government of Israel. Our many departments work hand in hand striving to provide the best of Israel and strengthen the already deep bonds between Israel and the Southwest region.

  • ContactInfoHorizontal

    Contact Details

    Address:Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles,
    Tel: 323-852-5500
    Fax: 323-852-5566

    Reception Hours

    Consular Services

    by appointment

    Monday To Friday
    9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Tel Hours


    Schedule Appointment



    Key Personnel

    NameJob titleE-mail
    Hillel NewmanConsul Generale-mail
    Amit MekelDeputy Chief of Missione-mail
    Carmel HalevyConsul for Public Diplomacy and Culturee-mail
    Revital DankerConsul for Consular Affairse-mail
    Meital Dov IgnaConsul for Administratione-mail
    Anat Ben YosefConsul for Tourisme-mail