



    Establishment of Relations:

    Samoa was the first Pacific Island nation to achieve political independence in 1962 and was also amongst the first Island nations to establish diplomatic relations with Israel in in 1977. Prior to this Samoa was under the trusteeship of New Zealand.

    Current Ambassador:

    His Excellency Ran Yaakoby is the Ambassador of Israel to the Independent State of Samoa.  



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    The former Ambassador , Dr Itzhak Gerberg accompanied by his wife Shifra Gerberg presents his Letters of Credence to His Highness Tui Atua Tupua Tamase Efi and his wife (2016).

    Ambassador Gerberg was preceded as non-resident Ambassador of Israel to the Independent State of Samoa by Ambassador Yosef Livne in 2014 and Ambassador Shemi Tzur in 2010.

    Visa and immigration arrangements:

    Samoa passport holders travelling to Israel (for holiday, work, or study) require a visa. However, a visa waiver agreement is currently under negotiation and will hopefully come to fruition in the near future.


    Common Interests:

    Israel and Samoa have maintained close ties since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1977. Together Israel and Samoa have endeavored to address a number of challenges facing Samoa and the larger Pacific region including sustainable development, climate change, human rights, and poverty.  

    Aid and MASHAV:

    Israel actively contributes towards the improvement of the Samoan Health sector. Israel has given a number of donations through the Insulin for Life charity in effort to improve the availability of insulin to the  people of Samoa who cannot afford or access Insulin and diabetes supplies.  Following the first handover of insulin supplies in 2011, a General Electric Vscan was donated. This pocket sized machine provides ultrasound imaging, measuring and analysis device for clinical use of abdominal, pediatric, urology and cardiac cases.

    Israel also provided financial aid to the Samoan Victim Support Group, whose mission is to provide an integrated, personalized, and professional service to victims of crime.
    Following the destruction of cyclone Evan in late 2013, Israel provided aid to the Samoan Victims support group, in hopes of helping families most affected by the devastating tropical cyclone.

    Israel also works with Samoa in areas of Education and Sports, donating $30,000 worth of sports equipment to local football federation May 2012.

    Ambassador Shemi Tzur joining a game of soccer with donated sports good to the children of Samoa









    Ambassador Shemi Tzur and Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai, on the soccer field following a ceremony for the donation of sports gear to the children of Samoa. 

    Recent Official Visits:

    Israel to Samoa

    April 2017:  The former Ambassador Dr Itzhak Gerberg visits Samoa meeting with government officials and reiterating Israel's commitment to the small Pacific Island nation. Ambassador Gerberg also made a special strip to the Stevenson Museum where he donated a Hebrew version of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to add to their international book collection.


    He is pictured below with the Samoan Minister of Health the Hon. Tuitama Dr. Leao Talalelei Tuitama.




    November 2016: The former Ambassador Itzhak Gerberg presents his Letters of Credence to His Highness Tui Atua Tupua Tamase Efi.

    April 2016: Ambassador Yosef Livnes farewell visit to Samoa where he met with the Head of State His Highness Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi, Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Acting Chief Executive Officer Mrs Sharon Potoi-Aiafi, as well as the High Commissioners of Australia and New Zealand.

    September 2014: Deputy Foreign Minister Hanegbi accompanied by Ambassador Yosef Livne attended the Small Islands Developing States (S.I.D.S.) conference held in Apia.


    March 2014: Ambassador Yosef Livne presented credentials meeting with the Head of State, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Hon Tuilaepa Lupesolialia Sailele Malielegaoi.

    May 2012: Ambassador Shemi Tzur hosted a reception to celebrate the 64th anniversary of the State of Israel in Samoa.

    Samoa to Israel

    March 2016: Samoan Minister of Health the Hon. Tuitama Dr. Leao Talalelei Tuitama visited Israel. . He visited MED exhibition, he met Mr. Litzman (Minster of Health), visited Rabin Medical Center and the city of Jerusalem.

    October 2015: Minister of Justice Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata’ata  attended the 29th International Conference for Women Leaders in Israel, addressing the issue of Promoting Gender Equality through Economic Empowerment.


    October 2011: Minister of Agriculture Hon. Le Mamea Ropati visits Israel to attend the high level expert group meeting on using green agriculture to stimulate economic growth and eradicate poverty.
