Visa Information
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Visa Information


    New Zealand, Cook Island, Tongan, and Samoan passport holders (also official passports) traveling to Israel for a visit (Business/Tourist) of 90 days or less do not require a visa. Only those traveling to Israel for Employment/Work/Student require a visa.

    If you are holding a passport that is not of New Zealand, Cook Islands, Tonga or Samoa, once the visa application has been processed, the applicant will be required to arrive at the embassy for an interview before it will be issued.

    Please note that ALL visas can only be issued at a maximum of three months prior to your travel to Israel. Applicants are advised to apply at least 2 months prior to their entry into Israel
    check whether you need to obtain a visa to visit Israel (To download click here). It is important to emphasize that the exemption applies only to visas for visits and to passports (not to laissez passer/Travel Documents).
    * Photo taken by Noam Chen for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism
    Website Symbol Blue.png​Step 1 - Visa type - click here
    For more information about travaling Israel:


    Website Divider Blue.png 
     Website Symbol Blue.pngStep 1 - Visa Type
    Visitor Visa
    A B/2 Visitor Visa is granted to someone who wishes to stay in Israel for a short period (such as a business meeting or study in a Hebrew ulpan). A person who enters Israel on a B/2 Visitor Visa is not allowed to work in the State of Israel. A B/2 Visitor Visa is valid for up to three months from the date of issue and for one entry. The duration of the stay in Israel will be determined by the Border Police. A visitor who wishes to extend their visit may submit an application at one of the regional population administration offices of the Ministry of the Interior.

    Please note that the visa can only be issued at a maximum of three months prior to your travel to Israel.

    * Photo taken by Dana Friedlander for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism.

    Provide the following documentation for a tourist visa to Israel:

             Visa Application (click here to download​.pdf)​ – filled and signed - ​do not glue a picture on the application.

           + A photocopy of your current passport (needs to be valid for at least 6 months after the date of departure from  Israel.*If you do not require an interview at the embassy, you must send your actual passport to the consular section with a prepaid self-addressed courier envelope with a signature required sticker.

            + A copy of your New Zealand Visa.

             + Your travel itinerary, flights, and timetable.

             + Hotel booking confirmation. 

             +One recent 5X5 Passport photo in color, white background.

             +A bank statement for at least three months.

             + Letter from your employer.

            + Medical insurance for the travel period

          + Fee for 2023  (when depositing the money, make sure to deposit under your name and attach the confirmation of deposit).

            + Your contact details       

    +         For a minor (under 18) the form “Permission of a parent to issue visa for a minor” signed by both parents it in the embassy in front of the consular officer (Click Here to download) and an original birth certificate.



    please note that we may request further documentation.

    IMPORTANT: If you are a citizen of a country that does not have diplomatic relations with the State of Israel, the Embassy recommends that you do not make bookings for your travel until after a visa has been issued. The Embassy is not responsible for any financial liability you incur on the assumption that you will be granted a visa. The Israeli officials will only accept requests that are within 45 days of arrival to Israel. An answer will only be received approximately a week prior to your requested arrival date. Please contact the Consular Department for an application form.



     click here to download​
      Continue to step 2 - Visa fee charges - click here
    Student Visa is granted to those who want to study in Israel in elementary and high schools, academic institutions, yeshivot and youth institutions of the Jewish Agency. A Student Visa is valid for up to one year and for multiple entrances and exits. Recipients of this visa are not permitted to work in Israel.
    Please note: A minor will not be given a visa without the written consent of both parents or his legal guardian.
    Please note that the visa can only be issued at a maximum of three months prior to your travel to Israel.
    Provide the following documentation for Student Visa:
    1. ​Completed and signed application for a visa to enter Israel : click here to download​
    2. One recent 5X5  passport photo in color and white background.
    3. Certification of acceptance for study at a recognized educational institution in Israel.
    4. Proof that the student has the financial means to pay for his studies and sustenance throughout his stay in Israel.
    5. A photocopy of your current passport, which needs to be valid for at least 6 months after the date of departure (If you are not required to interview at the embassy, you must send your physical passport to the embassy + a prepaid self-addressed courier envelope with a signature required sticker). 
    6. A photocopy of both parents’ passports. 
    7. Copy of your birth certificate (if you are a minor under 18– an original and apostilled birth certificate, and the form “Permission of a parent to issue visa for a minor” signed by both parents in the embassy in front of the consular officer ( Click Here to download). 
    8.    Travel itinerary, flights & timetable
    9. A bank statement of the past 3 months, or a statement from your parents or sponsor that states they will financially support you for the entire duration of your studies and provide their own bank statement.
    10. Accommodation arrangements
      11. Travel insurance (covering hospitalization) for the duration of your stay in Israel.
    If you wish to work in Israel, you must first find secure employment and ask your prospective employer to apply for a work visa for you at the Ministry of the Interior.
    A B/1 Work Visa is for a person whose stay in Israel is approved for the purpose of work. This visa is granted solely with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior. A fee must be paid by the applicant when their application has been submitted to one of the population administration offices. Upon receipt of approval from the Ministry of the Interior, the consular officer will interview the applicant and will issue the B/1 Work Visa.
    The validity of the B/1 Work Visa will be in accordance with Ministry of Interior’s guidelines. The worker must enter Israel within the period of time specified in the visa and can remain for the specified period of time. Once in Israel a person with a B/1 Work Visa can apply to the population administration office of the Ministry of the Interior to have their visa extended.

    Provide the following documentation for B/1 Work Visa:
    1. A certificate of good conduct, verified by an apostille stamp. For more information regarding how to obtain an apostil in New Zealand - click here
    2. Certification of medical examinations performed in a recognized clinic or hospital (the certification must cover, inter alia, normal results in a general blood test as well as tests for tuberculosis, hepatitis, and AIDS).
    3. A declaration of consent to the taking of fingerprints  - click here to download
    4.  Visa Application Form filled and signed: click here to download​
    5. One recent 5X5 cm passport photo in color, white background.
    6. A birth certificate, verified by an apostille stamp. For more information regarding how to obtain an apostil in New Zealand - click here​
    7. Health insurance, which covers the entire period of stay.
      The validity of the B/1 Work Visa will be in accordance with Ministry of Interior guidelines. The worker must enter Israel within the period of time specified in the visa and can remain for the specified period of time. Once in Israel, a person with a B/1 Work Visa can apply to the population administration office of the Ministry of the Interior to have their visa extended.
    Provide the following documentation for Diplomatic and Official Visas:
    1. ​Visa Application Form filled and signed click here to download.pdf.
    1. One recent 5X5 cm passport photo in color, white background.
    2. An official letter from your Department
    3. Your passport (needs to be valid for at least one year from the entrance date).
    4. A prepaid self-addressed courier envelope with a signature required sticker.
    For participants in Israeli national projects such as Taglit-Birthright Israel or MASA, or in other projects initiated and organized by the Jewish Agency, a visa will be issued according to the project's purpose and duration.
    Please note that the visa can only be issued at a maximum of three months prior to your travel to Israel.
    NB: The above-mentioned participants are exempted from paying a visa fee.
    Provide the following documentation:
    1. Fill in and sign the form “Application for entry visa to Israel” : click here to download​
    2. Your passport - needs to be valid for six months beyond the date of your departure
      from Israel.
    3. A photocopy of both parents’ passports.
    4. Confirmation letter of participation in the program (in Hebrew).
    5. One updated passport photo (5x5cm - color).
    6. Travel insurance (covering hospitalization) for the duration of your stay in Israel.
    7. Copy of your birth certificate (if you are a minor – and original and apostilled birth certificate).
    8. A prepaid self-addressed courier envelope with a signature required sticker).

    For minors (under 18) you need to fill out the form “Permission of a parent to issue visa for a minor” (Click Here to download) signed it in the Israeli embassy in front of the consular.

    For further information about Taglit-Birthright Israel (click here).
    For further information about MASA (click here).

    To continue to Step 3 - Provide the consular with the correct documentation and making an appointment - click here

    Aliya is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the State of Israel. According to an arrangement between the government of Israel and the Jewish Agency, the latter handles immigration (aliya) to Israel. This is to say, the Jewish Agency is responsible for checking candidates, providing advice and guidance, seeing absorption arrangements, referrals to immigrant centers, places of study, employment, etc.
    The Jewish Agency can recommend a person's immigration and transfer their application (together with a written recommendation) to an official representative of the State of Israel for aliya.

    All applications for Aliyah from New Zealand are made through Jewish Agency Aliyah office in Melbourne Australia.
    The Israel embassy in NZ will provide the visa ones the Aliyah application has been approved and a letter of approval on the applicant’s name was presented.

    To contact the JAFI Aliyah office in Australia:

       Melbourne - PH +61-03-92725688
    Web Sites:
            Aliyah - Zionist Federation of Australia (


    For the issuing of a Aliya Visa, the following are required:

    Please note that the visa can only be issued at a maximum of three months prior to your travel to Israel.
    1. Visa Application Form filled and signed (AliyaVisaApplication.pdf).
    2. Fill in and sign the form "Health-declaration" (click here to download) - Please request help from the JASI Aliyah office.
    3. Your passport – valid at least for one year on the day you enter Israel.
    4. Your passport - needs to be valid for six months beyond the date of your departure from Israel.
    5. Two recent 5X5 cm passport photos in color, white background.
    6. A photocopy of both parents’ passports. 
    7. For a minor (under 18) the form “Permission of a parent to issue visa for a minor” signed by both parents in the embassy in front of the consular officer ( Click Here to download) and an original birth certificate.


    Website Symbol Green.pngStep 2 - Visa fee charges
    Please note that these fees are subject to change.
    B/1 Work visa - 85NZD
    B/2 Visitor visa - 43NZD
    B/3 Visa - 43NZD
    B/4 Volunteer visa - 43NZD
    A/2 Student visa - 85NZD
    A/3 Clergy visa - 85NZD
    A/4 Temporary visa - 85NZD
    A/5 Temporary residence visa - 85NZD
    Return visa - 43NZD

    Postal payment track&trace courier bag:
    - $12 NZ for courier bag+Courier signature required (insted of sending courier bag).
    - For rural delivery: $17.5 NZ for courier bag+Courier signature required +  rural delivery (instead of sending courier bag).

    How to pay fee charges:

    a) Pay by cash or EFTPOS, by coming to the consular section in person.

    b) Deposited via direct or online banking to:
      Account Name: Embassy of Israel
      Bank: ANZ
      Account No: 01-0505-0439510-01

      In the “Particulars” field: please write your full name.
      In the “References” field: please write the word “Visa”.
    NB: If using online banking, please include receipt number and payment details with your application.


    Website Divider Red.pngWebsite Symbol Red.pngStep 3 - Provide the consular with the correct documentation

    Either by way of a) post or b) in person.

    a) By Post:
       Postal Address:
       Consular Section
       Embassy of Israel
       PO Box: 25485
       Wellington 6140
    NB: Please include your contact information (email address and phone number) so that our consular section can contact you.
    NB:You will need to mail us by track and trace mail ONLY & include additional courier bag referred to next section.
    b) In Person:
        i) You must visit during our Consular Services hours:
           Monday to Friday – From 09:30am to 12:30pm
       ii) You must make an appointment with the consular section by:
           Tel : 04- 4399514 b. E-mail:
      iii) Follow security procedure:
          - Please bring photo ID.
          - Every visitor and his belongings will be required to undergo a security check.
          - For security purposes, no personal objects will be allowed into the embassy, including handbags, mobile phones and electronic devices.
          - Do not bring large handbags or suitcases to the embassy.
          - Do not bring food and/or beverage bottles or containers.
          - The embassy security directives apply to people in the consular waiting room.
          - The instructions of the security staff must be obeyed at all times.
    When arriving at the Embassy building, please press the button on the right of the elevator bank in order to declare your arrival to security.
    NOTE: You must provide an NZ Post courier bag for passport return
    If you have applied for your passport by post OR if you cannot return to the Embassy in person to collect your passport you must include an additional courier bag with the rest of your documentation (so that the consular can return your passport to you via mail). The additional courier bag can either be sent with the rest of your documentation by post or brought to the embassy when you visit in person.
    The courier bag must fit the following requirements:
    a) It must be an unsealed prepaid New Zealand Post courier bag, complete with courier signature required for tracking.
    b) The courier bag must have your name and postal address filled out on the front (ready for the consular to return it to you).
    c) If you live at a rural address please insure you purchase a rural delivery prepaid ticket.
    NB. You are responsible for the address to be clearly printed on the bag. The Embassy will not take any responsibility for incorrectly addressed or ineligible printing on the bag. Be sure to take note of the tracking number. Delays in the sending of your documents may occur if any of the above is incorrect.
    You can not send cash or cheque by mail - You must pay by direct bank deposit.
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