Yom Hazikaron 2018 Ceremony at the WJCC

Yom Hazikaron 2018 Ceremony at the WJCC

  •   ​The Israel Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand, held the annual Yom Hazikaron Remembrance Ceremony at the Wellington Jewish Community Centre on Tuesday, April 17th.

    Yom Hazikaron is a day of mourning held annually which pays respects to our fallen heroes, both soldiers and victims of terror. This sombre day was marked in Wellington by speakers from around the community and a performance from the celebrated Israeli Cellist Inbal Megiddo.

    Members of the Jewish community and friends gathered and paid their respects by sharing stories of those we have lost, reading prayers and excerpts from several famous writings. The event began with a lighting of the memorial candle by Mrs. Inge Woolf. Ambassador Dr Itzhak Gerberg gave an emotional address to the 40-something in attendance.

    Special guest speakers included Mr. David Zwartz, Shifi Gerberg, Sandra Zukerman, Jeremy Smith, Rabbi Mizrahi, Tom Arieli and Rick Sahar.

     Megiddo began the closing of the ceremony with a powerful medley of Israeli war songs. Those in attendance sang Hatikva, the Israeli national anthem of hope, led by Mona Williams, before the evening’s events finished with a reception.​

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