Unbroken Chain

Unbroken Chain


    The decision in the Executive Board of UNESCO which aims to erase Jewish connection to the Western Wall is nothing less than an open and blatant attack against history, monotheistic faith and above all common decency.” – Ambassador Yosef Livne

    Cynicism has been known to be present in the relations among peoples and states. Yet, events of recent days have shown that it has no limit, especially in issues relating to the Middle East.
    Although we in Israel have grown accustomed to the springing some sinister surprises, the latest ploy conceived in the minds of our adversaries has taken the bar to new lows. The decision in the Executive Board of Unesco which aims to erase Jewish connection to the Western Wall is nothing less than an open and blatant attack against history, monotheistic faith and above all common decency. Unfortunately, it seems that the march of those who wish to re-write human history keeps rolling on. Theirs is an attempt, congruent with the denial of the existence of Jewish nation, to deny the eternal link between the Jewish people and their historic homeland.
    The on-going effort is nothing short of a policy copied out of George Orwell’s 1984 and Josef Goebbels’ propaganda textbooks: If you repeat a lie often enough, at the end people will believe it.
    Here and now it shall not succeed. The unbroken chain that unites the Jewish people to its cradle will not come apart. This sinister chapter will only unmask the true face of those who wrote it.