UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020

UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020

    On January 27th 2020 commemoration ceremonies for ​United Nations International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and other camps were held across New Zealand.
    Ambassador Itzhak Gerberg, accompanied by Mrs. Shifra Gerberg and Embassy of Israel in New Zealand staff attended commemoration ceremonies in Wellington at Makara cemetery and Parliament alongside nearly 400 attendees including Holocaust survivors, their descendants, members of the Jewish community and other faith communities, as well as members of Parliament and the diplomatic corps
    Proceedings included moving speeches, prayers, candle lighting and laying of stones, in honor of the victims of the Holocaust and to remember the 6 million Jews who were killed by the Nazi Regime and its collaborators.
    The Holocaust Centre of New Zealand Chair, Deborah Hart, poignantly remarked “today as we remember the murder of six million Jews – including 1.5 million Jewish children – the lessons of the Holocaust are more important than ever. Remembering the Holocaust teaches us we must fight antisemitism, intolerance and hatred through education.”