The silent water revolution in Israel

The silent water revolution in Israel

    Over the last few years, Israel has gone through a revolution in the water sector. In its last report the water Authority informs that due to early adopted steps the Israeli consumer was not affected by the extreme drought of 2014 while other countries around the world keep suffering from the same phenomenon. Today Israel is among the leading nations in the world in dealing with droughts and one of the consequences has been a decrease in water prices of 5% in January 2014 and an additional 10% in January of this year. Today the price of water in Israel is lower than the global average.
    The early steps and preparedness of all the components of the Water sector in Israel ensured that the Israeli consumer was not affected by the drought of 2014. This is a result of an integrative model of administrating the water sector which combines an intelligent usage of water in different segments of the economy, a sustainable exploitation of the natural water resources in the country, unprecedented use of treated effluents and the production of fresh water through desalinization.
    According to the Water Authority the implementation of this model makes it possible to prepare and face drought periods and climatic change which will likely affect our region. This model which was developed in Israel can provide adequate answers to many countries that face similar challenges. It should be added that Israel leads the developed world in the area of the use of treated effluents in agricultural irrigation.
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