Small Economies Forum

Small Economies Forum

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     Copyright: Tomer Foltyn | Corporate Event Photography | 050-5810058 |
    ​The Small Economies Forum is underway from the 19-31 May 2015.
    The forum is an international working group comprised of six of the world’s small advanced economies including New Zealand, Israel, Singapore, Denmark, Finland, and Ireland. The small economies forum is co-lead by Sir Peter Gluckman. The initiative is based on the idea that small nations face similar challenges and opportunities in an increasingly inter-connected and competitive global economy and therefore can learn from each other.
    The 2015 SAEI principals’ meeting will take place over May 20th and 21st at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Jerusalem. While the formal opening of the principals’ meeting will take place on the morning of May 20th, the science, & innovation and economics streams will have a joint working session on the afternoon of May 19th. This will be focused on digesting the informal insights gained during the previous days’ exploration of the Israeli innovation system and technical matters of joint interest.
    In Tel Aviv the forum guests will be hosted by the Office of the Chief Scientist in association with Start-Up National Central there will be a combination of seminars, briefings and visits to relevant components of the Israel national innovation system in the Tel Aviv region. They will cover three key areas, namely economy, foreign relations, and the science of entrepreneurship.
    It is intended that each country will contribute senior leaders in the area of science and innovation, as well as in foreign policy and trade policy. They will discuss how our countries can best position themselves for growth by developing and harnessing the power of innovation. New Zealand, for example, needs to make progress on better commercializing our ideas. That’s an example of here learning from the experience of those other small economies will be very valuable