Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah

    In a few days, Jews around the World will congregate once more to celebrate the beginning of the New Year 5775. It is a time to turn a new page in our lives, both on a personal and a collective level. Even though we look forward with the eternal hope for a better future, we cannot ignore the past 12 months and especially the last 3 months.
    Undoubtedly, Protective Edge has left its mark upon all of us in Israel and among many Jews around the world. As we struggled to foil the designs of the terrorists, we found great fountains of strength from the expression of support and solidarity of our brethren overseas. Once more the centuries’ old adage All Israel is responsible for one another proved itself to be a permanent and a living value among our people. As we enter the New Year, we find ourselves in the midst of a serious process of re-examining all our actions throughout the operation. This is not just a public affair ploy to placate criticism. It is part and parcel of our commitment to Humanistic values which strive to ensure that our weapon is pure. As we cross the threshold into 5775, we hope that the New Year will bring about a change in our part of the World. We all pray to be a bit closer to peace and further away from conflict.
    Although the events in and around Gaza dominated the last few weeks, we can’t ignore the important achievements here in New Zealand. We were all delighted with the success of the Hanukah celebrations in Auckland and wellington. For the first time in a long time, New Zealand saw the arrival of a delegation of Israeli companies looking to expand the trade relations between our two countries. In art and culture, Can anyone forget the splendid artistic performances of Israeli artists starting with Bat Sheva through Sivan Rotem and Rami Bar-Niv? Lastly, As 5774 draws to a close we are delighted that a New Zealand young entrepreneur is participating in an innovation Seminar in Tel Aviv. All in all not a bad harvest.
    Where do we go from here?
    First of all we hope to see not only the strengthening of the cease-fire in Gaza, but also aspire to see concrete steps towards changing the situation which has bred repeated aggressions by the extremist elements. We hope that in this coming 5775, maybe just like 57becomes 75 , we will see our neighbors make an about face and return to the negotiating table.
    We shall strive to strengthen the relations between our two countries, and in this task a solid partnership with the community is an important contribution. Let us explore together the avenues that are common to all of us and walk them together towards a new chapter. One of the most popular Israeli songs for Rosh Hashanah  tells us that “you will still see how good will things be in the coming year”.
    I am certain that as we bow our heads in prayer, we shall all add a small but an ardent plea to see these words become a reality.
    Shana Tova.