Rocket fire from Gaza and Palestinian ceasefire violations after Operation Cast Lead (Jan 2009)

Rocket fire from Gaza

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    Grad missile attack on Ashkelon-Feb 2009 (Photo: Reuters) Grad missile attack on Ashkelon-Feb 2009 (Photo: Reuters)
    ​On April 16, 2001 the Hamas terrorist organization launched its first rocket into Israel.
    In 2012, 1,632 rockets hits were identified in Israeli territory. During Operation Protective Edge (July 8 - Aug 25, 2014), 3,852 rockets hits were identified in Israel. Since the end of the operation, 22 rockets have landed in Israel.
    * The statistics do not include mortar shell fire and rocket hits inside the Gaza Strip.
    Monthly Distribution of Rocket Fire (2013-2015)
    (Figures as of October 20, 2015)
    Monthly Distribution of Rocket Fire (2013-2015)
    *The data include three rockets launched by ISIS from the Sinai Peninsula in July. 

    Rocket hits in Israel since the Hamas takeover of Gaza, 2006
    (Figures as of October 20, 2015)
    Rocket hits in Israel since the Hamas takeover of Gaza, 2006
    Source: ITIC 
    Source: IDF Blog

    Palestinian ceasefire violations

    On October 17, 2015, an unexploded shell was found near the border security fence in the northern Gaza Strip. It was apparently a rocket fired the previous day that had not exploded.
    During the week of October 8-13, 2015 three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets were fired by so-called "rogue" terrorist organizations and not by Hamas:
    On October 11, 2015, a rocket was fired into Israeli territory. It fell in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On October 10, 2015, rockets were fired at Israeli communities near Ashqelon and the Gaza Strip. Two rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome aerial defense system.
    There were also a number of incidents where hundreds of Palestinians approached the border security fence and threw stones and Molotov cocktails at IDF forces. 
    On October 11, 2015, a Palestinians sniper in the Gaza Strip shot at an Israeli vehicle near the border security fence at one of the Israeli communities in the western Negev. The vehicle has hit. No casualties were reported.
    On October 4, 2015, a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. Another rocket was fired and fell inside the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties and no damage was reported. 
    On September 29, 2015, a rocket was from the Gaza Strip at Ashdod. It was intercepted by the Iron Dome aerial defense system. The ISIS-affiliated Company of Sheikh Omar Hadid claimed responsibility for both attacks.
    On Friday night, September 18, 2015air raid sirens sounded at around 20:45 in southern Israeli communities along the Gaza border, after Israeli defenses identified two rocket launches. A rocket fired from northern Gaza exploded in a residential area of Sderot. The rocket struck the front yard of a home in Sderot as families sat down for Sabbath dinner, causing some damage to the residence and to a bus parked nearby. Several people were treated for shock. A second rocket fired several hours later at the city of Ashkelon was intercepted by an Iron Dome battery. In response, Israel carried out three air strikes in the northern Gaza Strip late Friday night.
    On September 17, 2015, a rocket hit was identified in the vicinity of Sderot. There were no casualties. A vehicle was damaged.
    On the night of September 15, 2015, several rockets were launched at Israel from the central Gaza Strip. One rocket hit a house in Deir al-Balah and the rest fell in open areas in the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties.
    On September 2, 2015, two bullets fired from the Gaza Strip hit houses in the Israeli community of Netiv HaAsara, north of the Gaza Strip. Minor property damage was reported.

    Close to midnight on August 26, 2015, a rocket hit was identified in Israeli territory in an open area in the western Negev, landing between an Israeli community and the border security fence. There were no casualties and no damage reported. An ISIS-affiliated jihadi network in the Gaza Strip claimed responsibility for the fire. Another rocket was fired at Israel on September 1, 2015, landing inside the Gaza Strip.
    On the night of August 17, 2015, a rocket was fired at Israeli territory and fell inside the Gaza Strip near the border security fence. An ISIS-affiliated network calling itself the Descendants of the Comrades of the Prophet claimed responsibility for the rocket fire

    On the afternoon of August 7, 2015, a rocket hit was identified near the security fence in Israeli territory in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported. During the week several rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip but fell inside Gazan territory. A network calling itself the Descendants of the Comrades of the Prophet claimed responsibility for the rocket fire.
    On July 16, 2015, a rocket hit was identified in the western Negev in the region of Ashqelon. It fell in an open area; there were no casualties and no damage reported. Responsibility was claimed by an ISIS-affiliated network calling itself the Company of Sheikh Omar Hadid - Bayt al-Maqdis.
    On the afternoon of July 3, 2015, three 122mm Grad rockets were fired from the northwestern Sinai Peninsula at populated areas in the western Negev. They fell in open areas; there were no casualties and no damage reported. The Supporters of Jerusalem, ISIS's Sinai Province, claimed responsibility for the rocket fire.
    On June 11, 2015, a rocket was fired at Israel, falling in the Gaza Strip. Responsibility for the rocket fire was claimed by an ISIS-affiliated Salafist-jihadi network, which was targeting Ashqelon.
    At 21:30 on June 6, 2015, a rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip into the western Negev. It fell in an open area in the region of Ashqelon. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    At 23:00 on June 3, 2015, two rockets were fired into the western Negev. One fell in an open area near the Gaza Strip and the other in the region of Ashqelon. There were no casualties and no damage reported. 

    In both instances responsibility for the rocket fire was claimed by an ISIS-affiliated Salafist-jihadi network (according to the logo) calling itself the Company of Sheikh Omar Hadid [an Iraqi jihadist killed by the American army] - Bayt al-Maqdis. 
    On the night of May 26, 2015, a rocket was fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. The remains of the rocket were located near Gan Yavne. It was the third rocket fired from the Gaza Strip since the beginning of 2015 and the first rocket fired with such a long range since Operation Protective Edge.
    On May 3, 2015, a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip to attack Israel. It fell inside the Gaza Strip.
    On April 23, 2015, at the end of Independence Day, rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. One fell in an open area in the western Negev. and the other fell inside the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties and no damage reported. 
    On Dec 24, 2014, a sniper opened fire on an IDF patrol near the security fence with Gaza.
    On the afternoon of Dec 19, 2014, a rocket hit Israeli territory in the western Negev. It landed in an open area. There were no casualties; agricultural damage was reported.
    On Nov 27, 2014, shots were fired at an IDF vehicle patrolling the security fence with Gaza.
    On Nov 1, 2014, a rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On Sept 16, 2014, a rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.

    Operation Protective Edge: July 8, 2014
    Between 12 June and 7 July, Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip fired approximately 300 rockets at Israeli civilians. Although Israel showed great restraint and called for the cessation of the rocket attacks, Hamas kept firing indiscriminately at Israeli towns and cities. After three weeks of restraint in the face of incessant rocket attacks, Israel was left with no alternative but to respond in order to protect its civilian population and restore calm to southern Israel.
    From July 8-17, some 1,500 rockets were launched at Israel, 300 of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
    On July 17, PM Netanyahu and DM Yaalon instructed the IDF to commence ground action in Gaza.
    • On July 15, Dror Hanin was killed near the Erez Crossing after suffering a direct hit from a mortar fired by terrorists in the Gaza Strip, while delivering food to soldiers there.
    • On July 19, Major (res.) Amotz Greenberg and Adar Barsano were killed when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory through a tunnel from the central Gaza Strip and ambushed a military vehicle patrolling on the Israeli side of the border. 
      Ouda Lafi al-Waj
      , 32, was killed and three members of his family were injured, when a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip struck a small Bedouin settlement near Dimona.
    • On July 21, four IDF soldiers were killed by Hamas gunmen who emerged from a tunnel dug from Gaza into Israel near Kibbutz Nir Am.
    • On July 23, Narakorn Kittiyangkul, an agricultural worker from Thailand, was killed by a mortar fired from Gaza while working in a greenhouse in one of the Israeli communities in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council.
    • On July 28, four IDF soldiers were killed in a mortar attack in the Eshkol Regional Council and five IDF soldiers killed in a terrorist infiltration via a tunnel from Gaza near Kibbutz Nahal Oz.
    • On July 31, five IDF soldiers were killed in a mortar attack in the Eshkol Regional Council.

    A six-day ceasefire was violated on August 19 with the resumption of massive rocket and mortar shell fire directed against Israel. Since the ceasefire ended 740 rockets have been identified in Israeli territory, and scores of mortar shells have been fired. The level of daily rocket fire returned to level at the beginning of Operation Protective Edge. Most of the rockets and mortar shells are fired at the communities close to the Gaza Strip.
    On the afternoon of August 22, 2014, Daniel Tragerman, a four year-old boy, was killed by mortar fire in his home in Kibbutz Nahal Oz.
    Since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge (July 8, 2014), 3,582 rockets hits have been identified in Israel.
    * * *
    During the week of July 2-7, 2014, approximately 230 rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, as well as dozens of mortar shell hits. Most of the rocket fire targeted the towns and villages near the Gaza Strip, as well as the city of Sderot, which had been singled out as focal target in the current stage of the escalation. Some of the rockets targeted the regions of Ofakim and Netivot. One rocket was fired at Beersheba, Israel's largest southern city, on July 5, 2014, the first time it had been attacked since Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012). The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted many of the rockets. Several civilians suffered minor injures and damage to property was reported.
    During the week of June 25 - July 1, 2014, 40 rocket hits were identified in the western Negev. 
    On June 28, 2014, six rocket hits were identified. One hit a paint factory in the industrial zone of the southern city of Sderot. Four workers who were in the factory at the time managed to escape; three of them sustained minor injuries.  
    On July 1, 2014, five rocket hits were identified. Vehicles and a packing house in one of the towns in the western Negev were damaged. A woman was treated for shock.
    During the week of June 18-24, 2014 six rocket hits were identified in the western Negev.
    On June 19, 2014, two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. 
    On June 20, 2014, a rocket hit was identified on a road in the western Negev near a hothouse. There were no casualties.
    On the evening of June 21, 2014, a rocket hit was identified in the Ashqelon region. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    During the week of June 11-17, 2014 six rocket hits were identified in the western Negev. 
    Early in the morning on June 14, 2014, two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev, one exploding in a yard in a town near Ashqelon. There were no casualties and no damage reported. 
    On June 15, 2014, two Grad rockets were fired at Ashqelon. They were intercepted by the Iron Dome aerial defense system. Minor damage to home property was reported. 
    On June 16, 2014, a rocket hit was identified in the Ashqelon region. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On the evening of June 1, 2014, a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip into an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    During the week of May 21-27, 2014 one rocket hit was identified in an open area in southern Israel. There were no casualties and no damage reported. On May 21, 2014, mortar shells were fired and an IED was planted near an IDF bulldozer north of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.
    On May 1, 2014, a rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On April 23, 2014, five rockets were launched at Israel's south, four falling inside the Gaza Strip and one landing in the western Negev.
    On April 21, 2014, the last day of the Passover holiday, 12 rockets were fired at the western Negev from the Gaza Strip, seven of which landed in Israeli territory. One of them exploded on a street in Sderot near a crowded synagogue. There were no casualties; property damage was reported. Another rocket exploded in an open area in Sderot. An hour beforehand four rockets landed in open areas in the western Negev, among them Sderot. There were no casualties and no damage reported. 
    On the morning of April 21, 2014, an RPG was fired at an IDF force engaged in operations near the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. This was the first time an IDF force had been attacked with an RPG from the Gaza Strip since Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012). 

    During the week of April 9-13, 2014 two mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip into the western Negev. One, fired on April 9, 2014, fell in the heart of an Israeli village. There were no casualties and no damage reported.

    During the week of April 2-8, 2014 five mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip into the western Negev. In addition, one rocket hit was identified on April 5, 2014. There were no casualties and no damage reported. 
    Between March 11-13, 2014, there was a round of escalation in rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip targeting Israel's south, the most serious since Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012). It began with PIJ mortar shell fire that attacked an IDF force engaged in security activities near the border fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. In response Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft struck the squad firing the mortar shells, killing three terrorist operatives. In retaliation, the PIJ launched a massive barrage of rockets into southern Israel. More than 80 rockets and mortar shells fell in Israeli territory (most of them in the western Negev), more than the total number of rocket hits identified since Operation Pillar of Defense.
    On February 14, 2014, two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev. One fell near hothouses in one of the villages. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    During the week of February 4-11, 2014, four rocket hits were identified in Israel - two in the Ashqelon area and two in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On January 30, 2014, a rocket landed in an open area near Netivot. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On the evening of January 31, 2014, a rocket was fired from the Sinai Peninsula at Eilat. There were no casualties and no damage reported. A terrorist organization affiliated with the global jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.
    During the week of January 15-21, 2014 there was a significant escalation in rocket fire from the Gaza Strip targeting populated areas in Israel's south. A total of 13 rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The peak was a barrage of five rockets fired at the coastal city of Ashqelon (January 15), the highest number of simultaneous rocket hits since Operation Pillar of Defense (November 2012).There were no casualties and no damage  reported.
    On the evening of January 20, 2014, two rockets were fired at Eilat. There were no casualties and no damage reported. Responsibility was claimed by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdas, a terrorist organization affiliated with the global jihad operating from the Sinai Peninsula.
    On January 8, 2014, three mortar shells were fired at an area near the security fence. There were no casualties and no damage reported). After the attack farmers in the towns and villages near the Gaza Strip were warned not to work fields less than one kilometer from the security fence, because of the danger of rocket and mortar fire. The military-terrorist wings of the Democratic Front for the Liberation
    of Palestine (DFLP) and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) separately claimed responsibility for the mortar shell fire.

    On January 13, 2014, a short time after the funeral of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ended and the foreign dignitaries and guests had left the gravesite, two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev, falling near the security fence (about 6 kilometers, or less than 4 miles from the site of the funeral). There were no casualties and no damage was reported.
    On January 2, 2014, a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On December 26, 2013, two rockets fell in open areas near Ashqelon. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On December 24, 2013, an Israeli civilian repairing the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip in the region of Nahal Oz was shot and killed by a Palestinian sniper.
    One rocket hit was identified on night of December 23, 2013 near a bus stop in the western Negev. There were no casualties but the bus stop incurred minor damage. 
    On November 19, 2013, three mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip, targeting an IDF force engaged in routine activities along the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties and no damage reported. 
    On November 14, 2013, two mortar shells targeting Israeli were fired from the Gaza Strip. One landed close to an IDF force engaged in routine operations near the security fence. No casualties or damage were reported. 
    On November 1, 2013, a mortar shell was launched into the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On the afternoon of October 27, 2013, two mortar shells fell in an open agricultural area in the western Negev near the security fence. OnOctober 28, two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory near the southern city of Ashqelon. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On October 8, 2013, a rocket hit was identified in Israeli territory. The rocket fell in an open area; there were no casualties and no damage.
    A terrorist tunnel leading from the southern Gaza Strip into Israeli territory was uncovered. It had electric lights and a rail for transporting a small cart; tools and the remains of food were also found. It had taken at least a year to build the tunnel, and would apparently have been used to infiltrate terrorist operatives into Israeli territory or to bring abducted IDF soldiers into the Gaza Strip. It was the third exposure in the past yearof a Gaza Strip tunnel built for terrorist purposes.
    On the night of September 18, 2013 one rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On September 2, 2013 two IEDs were activated near an IDF patrol in the Nachal Oz region. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On August 30, 2013 an IED blew up near an IDF force in the Sufa region. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On August 13, 2013, a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On August 13, 2013, two explosions were heard in Eilat, caused by two rockets launched from the Sinai Peninsula. Two civilians were treated for shock and a woman broke her leg while running to take cover. A Gaza-based network called the Mojahideen Shura Council of the Environs of Jerusalem, affiliated with the global jihad, issued an announcement claiming responsibility for the rocket fire.
    On the night of August 7, 2013, a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage was reported. 
    A rocket was fired into Israeli territory on July 30, 2013, the day theIsraeli-Palestinian negotiations began in Washington. It fell in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage was reported.
    During the week of July 17-23, 2013 three rocket hits were identified in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage reported.
    On the night of 23-24 June 2013 five rockets hits were identified in southern Israel. There were no casualties and no damage. The following day the Kerem Shalom supply crossing was not opened for operation and the Erez terminal was open only for humanitarian cases, foreign passport holders and Arab citizens of Israel (COGAT).
    During the week of May 14-21, 2013 one rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev during the Shavuot holiday (May 15). There were no casualties and no damage.
    On May 2 a rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of April 23-30, 2013 two rocket hits were identified in southern Israel. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of April 18-23, 2013  three rocket hits were identified. The rockets exploded in an open area. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of April 10-17, 2013 two rockets were fired from the Sinai Peninsula at Eilat, Israel's southernmost city. A network in the Gaza Strip affiliated the global jihad claimed responsibility for a Grad rocket attack. On April 9, 2013, an IED exploded near a vehicle of the IDF's engineering corps engaged in routine security activities along the border fence.
    During the week of April 3-9, 2013 at least three rockets and several mortar shells landed in Israeli territory on three separate occasions. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On April 2, 2013, the remains of a rocket were found in a kindergarten in Sderot. The rocket penetrated the roof and ceiling and partially exploded inside the kindergarten. This was probably one of the rockets fired on March 21, 2013, discovered only later because the children were on Passover vacation.
    On the morning of March 21, 2013 five rockets were fired at Israel from the Gaza Strip. Two hits were identified in Israeli territory; one rocket fell in the yard of a house in Sderot, causing damage. The other fell in an open area.
    On the morning of February 26, 2013, a rocket hit was identified south of the Israeli city of Ashqelon. It was the first rocket fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory since November 21, 2012, the end of Operation Pillar of Defense.

    November 2012 - Operation Pillar of Defense
    The latest round of escalation in the south began on November 10 with an anti-tank missile attack on an IDF jeep continues. As of November 13, 121 rockets were fired into Israeli territory, as well as a number of mortar shells. Throughout November 11 rocket and mortar shell fire into Israeli continued and increased. In addition, rockets with longer ranges were fired and the damage incurred was greater. A total of 64 rockets hits were identified on November 11. A number of mortar shells were also fired. A number of Israeli civilians were wounded by the rocket fire, although not seriously; several were treated for shock and there was extensive property damage.

    Rocket fire - Nov 10-13, 2012
    Source: ITIC

    On Wednesday, Nov 14, 2012, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense against terrorist targets in Gaza. Rocket fire from Gaza resumed that evening (14 Nov), with a salvo of over 50 Grad rockets fired towards Israel's southern cities.
    A total of 1,500 rockets have been fired at Israel since the start of Operation Pillar of Defense (14 Nov), about half of which were recorded as hits in Israeli territory. A ceasefire was declared on November 21, at 9 pm. Since 2300 hours on November 21, no rockets or mortar shells have been fired into Israeli territory.
    Daily distribution of rocket hits in Israel's south 
    since the beginning of Operation Pillar of Defense
    Source: ITIC 
    * Based on an estimated 805 rocket hits as of 1130 hours, November 21 (the number of launchings, in our assessment, is about three times greater than the number hits).
     (Copyright: GPO/Moshe Milner)

    During the week of Oct 31 - Nov 6, 2012 two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets fell in open areas; there were no casualties and no damage.
    On the morning of November 6, during a routine IDF counterterrorism activity near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip, an apparently IED exploded. The blast injured three IDF soldiers, one of them seriously.
    The week of October 24-30, 2012 saw a new round of escalation in southern Israel, during which 105 rockets and an estimated 12 mortar shells hit Israeli territory. One of the rockets, a long-range Grad, fell in an open area on the outskirts of the city of Beersheba. The IDF responded by striking terrorist targets and rocketlaunching squads. Hamas and the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) claimed responsibility for most of the rocket launchings.
    • On October 24 more than 60 rockets and mortar shells fell in Israeli territory.
    • On October 28, following IDF counterterrorism activities and the killing of a Hamas terrorist operative, rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory was renewed. In the early morning a Grad rocket fell in an open area on the outskirts of  Beersheba. Additional rockets fell in the western Negev in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    • In the early morning hours of October 29 more than 30 rockets landed in Israeli territory, all of them falling in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage. The military-terrorist wing of Hamas claimed responsibility
    During the week of October 17-23, 2012 rocket and mortar shell fire continued to target Israel's south. Five rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. One of the rockets fired on October 16 fell in the yard of a residential dwelling in the western Negev. Two civilians were treated for shock.
    On October 23 an IDF officer was seriously wounded during an IDF security activity near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip.
    During the week of October 10-16, 2012, seven rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, some of them long-range 122-mm rockets which fell in and around the southern city of Netivot. One of the rockets launched on October 12 fell in the yard of a civilian residential dwelling. One man was treated for shock and the house was damaged. A number of mortar shells were also fired, falling in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Damage to home in Netivot (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)
    During the week of October 3-9, 2012, two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev, falling in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Beginning in the early morning hours of October 8, during the Jewish festival of Simhat Torah, a rocket and several dozen mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory. Most of the mortar shell fire targeted the Israeli villages and towns near the central and southern Gaza Strip. There were no casualties but a number of civilian structures and a local petting zoo were damaged. The military-terrorist wings of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, as did the Popular Resistance Committees and networks affiliated with the global jihad.
    During the week of September 25 - October 2, 2012, three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, all landing in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Three rocket landings were detected during the week of September 12-19. All the rockets landed in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of September 5-11, four long-range rockets landed in Israeli territory near the town of Netivot and the city of Beersheba. Two homes in Netivot were severely damaged and a number of residents were treated for PTSD (Sept 9). Networks affiliated with the global jihad claimed responsibility for most of the rocket attacks.
    During the week of August 29-September 4, there was an increase in rocket hits targeting the western Negev; 12 hits in all were identified, most 
    falling in open areas. On August 31 two rocket hits were identified in the southern city of Sderot. One of them hit two residential buildings. On September 2 a Grad rocket hit was identified near the town of Netivot.
    On August 26, at around 9:00 in the morning three rockets fell in Sderot. One hit a factory. Another fell near a factory in a nearby industrial zone; there were no casualties but factories were damaged. The third fell in an open area near a residential home.
    On August 27, the first day of the new school year, three rockets fell at around 8:00 in the morning, as elementary and kindergarten children were on their way to school. One of the rockets fell in Sderot in an open area. There were no casualties and no damage. A group calling itself the Holy Fighters of Greater Jerusalem said in an announcement that the rockets had deliberately been fired on the first day of school.
    On August 15, two Grad rockets were launched from the Sinai Peninsula and targeting the city of Eilat. The remains of one of the rockets were found in a hilly region near the city.
    During the week of August 8-14 one rocket hit was identified in Israel's south, falling in an open area. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of August 1-7 two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. There were no casualties and no
    During the week of July 25-31, 2012 ten rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets fell in open areas. One Israeli woman suffered minor wounds; no property was damaged.
    - On July 28 five rocket hits were identified, two of them landing in an open area near Sderot.
    - On July 24 the Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted and destroyed a rocket targeting the Ashqelon area.
    During the week of July 18-24, 2012, three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets fell in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On July 22 shots were fired at a bus carrying IDF soldiers in the Ein Netafim region near the Israeli-Egyptian border. There were no casualties but the bus was damaged.
    During the week of July 11-17, 2012, three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets fell in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of July 4-10, 2012 three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets landed in open areas; there were no casualties and no damage. On July 9 a mortar shell was fired into the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On the evening of July 9, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired heavy machine guns at the commercial center at the Yad Mordechai junction. There were no casualties but cars in the parking lot and a restaurant wall were damaged.
    On June 27 one rocket hit was identified in one of the western Negev communities, damaging a chicken coop. Two rockets targeting the southern city of Netivot were intercepted and destroyed by the Iron Dome aerial defense system.

    June escalation

    Between June 18-23 there was another round of escalation between Israel and the Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip. It began after terrorist attacks along the Israeli-Egyptian border and after counterterrorism and prevention strikes carried out by IDF aircraft in the Gaza Strip. In response the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip initiated massive barrages of rockets targeting towns and villages in Israel's western Negev.

    The greatest number of rockets landed on June 20, when about 70 rockets hit the western Negev. A total of 162 rockets fell during the six days of attacks. The rockets damaged a number of buildings, including a school in Sderot. Two civilians were wounded and several suffered slight injuries, while several had to be treated for shock.
    - See ITIC update (21 June 2012)
    Daily distribution of rocket fire during June escalation
    Source: ITIC

    During the week of June 13-19, 2012 eight rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory (as of noon June 19). Two of them were apparently fired from the northern Sinai Peninsula. The other six were fired on June 18 and 19 and fell in the western Negev. All the rockets fell in open areas; there were no casualties and no damage. 
    On June 16 the remains of two 122mm Grad rockets were identified in Israeli territory, one near Udva (north of Eilat). A number of hours later the remains of the second rocket were found near the central Negev town of Mitzpe Ramon. Both rockets landed in open areas; there were no casualties and no damage.
    On June 18 a three-man terrorist squad infiltrated into Israeli territoryfrom the Sinai Peninsula near the village of Be'er Milka along the Israeli-Egyptian border. The terrorist operatives crossed the border at a site where the security fence has not yet been constructed. They detonated an IED to attack two vehicles belonging to the contractor building the fence. At the same time, they launched an RPG (which missed its target) and opened fire with light arms. The shots caused one of the vehicles to fall into a ditch, killing one of the passengers. The victim of the attack wasSaid Fashapshe, 35, from Haifa, married and father of four. He was employed by the contracting company constructing the security fence along the Egyptian border.
    During the week of June 6-12, 2012 one rocket hit was identified in an open area in the Western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of May 30 - June 5, 2012, three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory in the western Negev. On the night of June 3 two rockets landed in open areas in the western Negev; there were no casualties and no damage. On the night of June 4 a rocket landed in a wheat field near Ashkelon, setting the field on fire. There were no casualties.
    During the week of May 9-15, 2012, one rocket hit was identified in an empty area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of May 2-8, 2012, two rocket hits and one mortar shell hit were identified in the western Negev, falling in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage. On the morning of May 1 shots were fired at an IDF force engaged in routine anti-terrorism operations near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip.
    On April 26, Independence Day, a rocket fire fell in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. On April 30 a rocket fell in an open area near Sderot. There were no casualties and no damage.
    ing the week of April 18-24, 2012 one rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On the night of April 15 two rockets fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties.
    On April 4, three rockets were fired at Eilat from the Sinai Peninsula. Three rocket hits were also identified in the western Negev (near the cities of Netivot and Sderot) on April 8.
    During the week of March 28 - April 3, 2012 one rocket adn two mortar hits from the Gaza Strip was identified in Israeli territory. There were no casualties and no damage.
    An IDF force uncovered an IED placed near the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip, intended for use in an attack against IDF soldiers. (March 26, 2012)
    During the week of March 15-20, since the arrangement went into effect,nine rockets, including long-range Grad rockets, and four mortar shellshit Israeli territory. In addition, two rockets were intercepted and destroyed by the Iron Dome aerial defense system.
    During the latest round of escalation (March 9-14, 2012), more than 200 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip targeting Israel. Of them, 117 fell in southern Israel. The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted and destroyed several dozen, preventing hits on populated areas.
    During the week of February 29 - March 6, two rocket hits and three mortar shell hits were identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of February 22-28,12 rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. The rockets fell in open areas; there were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of February 15-21 there was an increase in the amount of rocket fire into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Eight rocket hits were identified, some of them long-range rockets.
    • On the evening of February 18 an anti-tank RPG was fired from the Gaza Strip at an IDF force, damaging the security fence. When additional forces arrived at the site an IED was detonated from the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties.
    • On the night of February 21, as IDF forces and the Israel Police conducted a joint activity to prevent smuggling across the Israel-Egypt border, a man was seen throwing a suspicious object and then fleeing the scene. A search of the area revealed that the object was a bag containing a powerful IED which was apparently meant to be used against IDF soldiers or Israeli civilians. The IED was detonated in a controlled explosion.
    During the week of February 8-14, 2012 two rocket hits were identified in Israel territory. They fell in open areas in the western Negev. One of the rockets damaged a number of structures and caused a power outage.
    During the week of February 1-7, 2012, five rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory - four on February 1 which landed in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of January 25-31, 2012 three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, all in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of January 18-24, 2012 four rocket hits were identified and four mortar shells were fired. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On the night of January 18 an IDF force operating the southern Gaza Strip apprehended three Palestinians attempting to infiltrate into Israel through the security fence.
    During the week of January 11-17, 2012 two rocket hits were identified in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of December 28, 2011 - January 3, 2012 six rocket hits (five on Dec 28 and one on Dec 29) were identified in Israeli territory. All the rockets and mortar shells fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. On January 1 two mortar shells containing phosphorous were fired at a village in the western Negev. The military-terrorist wing of the Popular Resistance Committees claimed responsibility for the attack.
    During the week of December 21-27 three rockets and two mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Two rockets fell in an open area in the western Negev on December 24. A third rocket fell on December 26. Two mortar shells fell on December 23 in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of December 14-20, four mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory. They landed in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Following the killing of two terrorist operatives, rockets and mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory. Between December 8 and 10, 18 rocket hits were identified, some of them rockets with ranges of 40 kilometers (about 25 miles). Eleven mortar shells were also fired. Most of the rockets landed in empty areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. The Iron Dome aerial defense system intercepted a 122mm Grad rocket fired at the southern Israeli city of Ashdod (IDF Spokesman, December 9, 2011).
    During the week of November 30 - December 6 one rocket hit was identified near the security fence in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On November 26 two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. Both fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage .
    Two rocket hits were identified on November 15. One of the rockets hit a storage shed near a kindergarten in an Israeli village in the western Negev. The other fell in an open area. There were no casualties.
    During the week of November 9-15 one rocket hit was identified in Israel territory (Nov 13). The rocket fell in an open area. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of November 2-8 three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. They were all launched on November 6, and fell in the western Negev in the Ashqelon district. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of October 26 - November 1, 45 rockets and 20 mortar shells landed in Israeli territory, among them standard Grad rockets with a range of more than 40 kilometers (25 miles). The rockets hit large cities (Ashdod, Ashqelon and Beersheba), towns and villages in the south. Aresident of Ashqelon was killed and four civilians suffered minor to serious injuries. Several dozen people were treated for shock, and extensive property damage was caused.
    On September 27 one rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. OnSeptember 29 one mortar shell hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties but power lines were damaged.
    On October 4 an IDF force patrolling along the security fence was attacked with an IED. There were no casualties and no damage. The force identified four other IEDs and neutralized them.
    During the week of September 21-27 one rocket hit and one mortar shell hit were identified in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On September 9 snipers from the Gaza Strip shot at the Israeli village of Netiv Ha'asara, located near the Erez crossing (northern Gaza Strip). There were no casualties but some of the buildings were damaged. An IDF force reported being shot at in the region of Netafim on the Israeli-Egyptian border (September 12). There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of August 31 - September 6, 2011 two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. One fell in an open area in the western Negev on August 31. The second fell in an open area in the western Negev on September 5. There were no casualties and no damage.
    The round of escalation in the south which began on August 18 with theterrorist attack north of Eilat and continued with massive barrages of rockets targeting Israeli population centers in the south ended on August 26. During the latest round of escalation 149 rockets fell in Israeli territory (of the 200 fired). It was the worst round since Operation Cast Lead. However, daily sporadic rocket fire targeting Israel continues.
    On August 26 two rocket hits were identified in open areas in the western Negev - no casualties and no damage. On August 27 two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev - no casualties and no damage. OnAugust 28 two rocket hits were identified, one of them a standard 122mm Grad rocket, which hit near Beersheba. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Among the rocket hits since August 18:
    • On August 19 a synagogue and a school in Ashdod were hit by rockets fired from Gaza. One person was seriously injured, and some ten were wounded. There was extensive damage to the building.
    Ashdod synagogue hit by rocket fire (Photo: Reuters)
    • On August 20 two Grad rocket hits were identified in Beersheba, causing the death of one Israeli civilian, critically wounding four others and inflicting varying degrees of injuries on three others; considerable damage was done to one house in the city.
    Scene of rocket attack in Beersheba in which one person 
    was killed and 10 wounded (Photo: Reuters)
    • On August 20 two Grad rocket hits were identified in the region ofAshdod. Four civilians were wounded, one of them critically; several structures were damaged.
    • On August 20 two more Grad rocket hits were identified in the region ofAshdod. Six civilians were wounded, three of them critically; one sustained minor injuries and two were treated for shock.
    • On August 20 three rocket hits were identified in Ofakim, wounding several people including a four-month-old baby and causing severe damage.
    On August 15 a 122mm Grad rocket fell in an open area near  Beersheba. No casualties and no damage were reported.
    During the week of August 3-9, three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. Two of the rockets had longer ranges than usual and landed near the southern Israeli city of Kiryat Gat - an improved locally-manufactured rocket (August 3) and what was apparently a 122mm Grad rocket (August 4), after which a number of civilians were treated for shock. Another rocket fired on August 4 landed in the western Negev. Five mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory. They fell in open areas in the western Negev. No casualties were reported and no damage.
    During the week of July 27-August 2, two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev (July 28 and August 1). An Israeli civilian woman suffered minor wounds from the rocket fired on August 1.
    During the week of July 20-26, one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev.
    During the week of July 13-19, 11 rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory and one mortar shell was fired. Most of the rockets fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of July 6-12, two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory (July 9). The rockets fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties.
    During the week of June 29 - July 5, one rocket hit was identified in Israeli territory (July 3) in an open area in the western Negev; there were no casualties and no damage. On July 2 two mortar shells fell in an open area in the western Negev.
    During the week of June 22-28, two rocket hits were indentified in Israeli territory (June 21) in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of June 15-21, one rocket hit was indentified in Israeli territory (June 16) in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of May 25-31, one rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev (May 28). There were no casualties and no damage. It was the first rocket hit since April 18.
    May 15 (Naqba Day) was marked by violent confrontations between IDF soldiers and scores of rioters who assembled on the Palestinian side of the Erez crossing.
    The Passover holiday was marked by relative quiet, with two rocket hits identified in Israeli territory: On April 15 a Grad rocket landed near the city of Ashdod; there were no casualties and no damage. On April 18 a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev; there were no casualties and no damage.
    On the afternoon of April 7, Hamas operatives fired a laser-guided anti-tank missile at an Israeli school bus in the western Negev wounding two people, one - a 16-year-old teenager - critically.
    From April 7-10, 65 rockets and 67 mortar shells fell in Israeli territory. Some of the rockets were long-range and fell in the regions of Beersheba, Ashqelon and Ashdod. Eight of them were intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome aerial defense system.
    During the week of March 30-April 5, 2011, three rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. All three rockets fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of March 22-29, 2011, 13 rocket hits and 18 mortar shell hits were identified in Israeli territory.
    • On March 23 six mortar shell hits were identified in the western Negev south of Ashkelon. One of them contained phosphorous.
    • On March 24 five rocket hits were identified, one of them a Grad rocket which landed near the southern Israeli city of Ashdod. Five mortar shell hits were also identified, all fired simultaneously, falling in open areas in the western Negev.
    • On March 26 two rockets landed in the western Negev. There were no casualties but damage was done to property.
    Home in southern Israel damaged when over 50 mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning, March 19
    Home in southern Israel damaged when over 50 mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning, March 19 (Photo: Rafael Ben-Ari/ Chameleons Eye)
    On the morning of March 19exceptional barrages of 120 mm mortar shells struck the western Negev. The mortar shells were fired simultaneously from a number of sites in the Gaza Strip. A total of 49 shell hits were identified, most falling in open areas. Two people sustained minor injuries and considerable damage was done to property. It was the most serious mortar shell attack since Operation Cast Lead.
    In addition, during the week of March 15-22 four rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, one south of the city of Ashkelon on March 20. No damage was done. Several Israelis were treated for shock. Six additional mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of March 9-15, 2011 two rocket hits and one mortar shell hit were identified in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of March 2-8, 2011 two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. They fell in open areas in the western Negev on March 5. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On March 1 an anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF tank engaged in routine activity near the border fence in the southern Gaza Strip. It was successfully intercepted by a new system called Windbreaker, which destroyed it before it reached its target.
    During the week of February 23 - March 1, 2011 six mortar shell and three rocket hits were identified, including a 122mm Grad rocket which fell in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba. The rocket hit a house and caused considerable damage to the building and its surroundings. Four people were treated for shock.
    On February 19 one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev; there were no casualties and no damage.
    On February 14 one mortar shell hit was identified in the western Negev; there were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of February 2-8, 2011 one rocket hit was identified in Israeli territory (February 4). It landed in an open area in the western Negev. Two mortar shell hits were identified on February 6, and five more on February 8. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Three rocket hits - two of them Grad rockets - were identified on the night of January 31, 2011, and fell in open areas in the southern Israeli towns of Netivot (close to a site where a wedding was being held) and Ofakim. Four people went into shock and several vehicles were damaged. 
    - Grad rocket fired from Gaza barely misses festivities in Netivot - view security camera footage
    One mortar shell fell in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    One rocket hit was identified on January 21. The rocket fell in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of January 12-18, three rocket hits were identified in the western Negev (on January 11, 17 and 18). The rockets fell in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of January 5-11, 2011 there was a increase in the number of rockets and mortar shells fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Eight rockets and 13 mortar shell hits were identified in towns and villages in the western Negev. Six civilians were wounded, one of them critically.
    The main attacks were the following:
    On January 5, seven rocket hits were identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On January 6,m seven mortar shell hits were identified over a 24-hour period. Two mortar shells hit a building and wounded six foreign workers, one of them critically and one seriously.
    On January 10 three rocket hits were identified near the city of Ashkelon and one in an open area. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On January 7 a rocket hit was identified near the security fence. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of December 19, 2010 - January 4, 2011 two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev (December 28 and 30). They fell in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Three mortar shell hits were identified in the western Negev. On January 1 a women in the western Negev went into a shock.
    During the week of December 21-28 five mortar shell hits were identified in Israel territory, most of which fell in open areas. On December 24 a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of December 15-21, 15 mortar shells were fired at the western Negev. On December 20, 12 mortar shells were fired and landed in open areas. On December 19 three mortar shells were fired and landed in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage. 
    A rocket hit was identified on December 21. It fell in the western Negev. A young woman sustained minor injuries.
    On December 8 two rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory. There were no casualties and no damage. In addition, six mortar shells were fired into the western Negev, two on December 7 and four on December 8. In the December 8 attack an Israeli civilian sustained minor injuries.
    During the week of November 30 - December 7, two rocket hits and one mortar shell hit were recorded in the western Negev.
    On December 6 one of the rockets fell in the western Negev, causing no injuries or damage.
    During the week of Novemer 16-22, 2010, six mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory. They fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. At least one of the mortar shells contained phosphorous. 
    On November 16 a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev, causing damage to property. On November 19, three rocket hits were identified, including a 122 mm Grad rocket in Ofakim. There was damage to property and livest
    On November 6, 2010 one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev.
    On October 27 and 28 two mortar shells were fired at an IDF force conducting routine security activity. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On October 25 a number of mortar shells were fired at an IDF force conducting routine patrols. Three mortar shell hits were identified in the western Negev.
    During the week of October 6-12, 2010 one mortar shell hit and one rocket hit were identified in Israeli territory.
    During the week of September 27 - October 5, 2010 two rockets fell in Israeli territory in the western Negev.
    During the week of September 22-27, 2010 one rocket hit was identified in Israeli territory.
    During the week of September 15-21, 2010 nine mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory, eight of them on September 15. They fell in open areas in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of September 7-14 there was an increase in rocket fire targeting the western Negev. During the week (which included Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year) nine rocket hits were identified in Israel. Most of them fell in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of September 1-6, one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On August 16 two Kassam rockets fell in the northwestern Negev. On the morning of August 17 two mortar shells were fired at an IDF force near the security fence. Two soldiers sustained minor wounds. Two mortar shells fell in an open area in the northwestern Negev.
    On August 16 Israeli security forces prevented an attack against IDF forces with an IED near the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. One of the terrorists was killed - a prominent member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad who took part in the exchange of fire five months ago in which an IDF soldier was killed -  and an IDF soldier sustained minor wounds.
    On July 30 a 122mm Grad rocket fell in the southern city of Ashkelon, sending one Israeli woman into shock. On July 31 a rocket fell near an educational building in the western Negev. There were no casualties but the building was severely damaged.
    On August 2 six rockets were fired at Israel. Three fell in Eilat. There were no casualties. Two rockets fell in the Jordanian city of Aqaba. A Jordanian civilian was killed and five were wounded, one of them critically.
    During the week of July 20-27, five rocket hits were identified, four of them on July 24. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On July 20 a mortar shell was fired at an IDF force on routine patrol along the security fence.
    On July 19 a mortar shell was fired at IDF soldiers on a routine patrol along the security fence.
    On June 30 one rocket his was identified in the western Negev. A local factory was damaged.
    On June 24, 12 mortar shells were fired from the Beit Hanoun region at an IDF force engaged in routine security activities. Six fell in Israeli territory. The force was also attacked with light arms fire. On June 28 a mortar shell was fired at an IDF armored vehicle. The vehicle was damaged.
    During the week of June 16-22 two rocket hits were identified near the security fence in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. A number of IEDs were detonated and light arms were fired at IDF patrols near the security fence.
    During the week of June 9-15, one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. 
    On June 9 an IED exploded near an IDF force on routine patrol near the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip and on June 14 near an IDF force carrying out routine security activities in the southern Gaza Strip. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of June 2-8, six rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, three on May 31 and three on June 1. All the rockets fell in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage. 
    On June 1 an anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF force engaged in routine security activity near the border fence in the southern Gaza Strip. On two occasions (June 1 and 7) the Israeli Air Force attacked rocket-launching squads which were about to fire rockets into the western Negev.
    On June 7 an IDF force attacked a commando terrorist squad at sea. The squad was apparently on its way to Israel from the sea to carry out a terrorist attack. Four members of the squad were killed.
    During the week of May 26 - June 1, seven rocket hits were identified in the western Negev (five of them on May 26). The rockets fell in open areas. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On May 25 an IDF force identified a suspicious Palestinian driving a wagon close to the security fence. After he distanced himself from the wagon, which was apparently booby trapped, it exploded. There were no casualties. On the morning of June 1 an IDF force identified two terrorist operatives who crossed the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. During the ensuing exchange of fire the terrorists were killed.
    During the week of May 18-25, two rockets fell in Israeli territory (May 19 and 20). They exploded in open areas.
    On May 21, two terrorists infiltrated into Israeli territory near Nirim in the western Negev. IDF forces shot and killed them. Two assault weapons and magazines were found near the bodies. On the evening of May 21, during a routine patrol in the southern Gaza Strip, an IDF scout was seriously wounded by sniper fire.
    During the week of May 11-17, a mortar shell was fired at an IDF force carrying out routine operations near the security fence; civilian engineers working near the security fence and and IDF force carrying out routine activities near the Kissufim post were attacked with light arms (May 12); two IEDs exploded near an IDF force carrying out routine operations at the security fence, damaging the fence (May 14).
    During the week of May 4-11 one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. IDF soldiers were attacked twice with light arms near the border fence.
    During the week of April 27-May 4 small arms fire was opened several times on IDF soldiers engaged in routine security activities near the border fence. There were no injuries.
    On April 25 light-arms fire targeted civilians engaged in non-military activities near the security fence. There were no casualties. On the same day, an IDF force found three mines near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip.
    On April 16, an IDF force identified a suspicious figure apparently trying to set an IED near the security fence along the Gaza Strip, near Kfar Aza. The terrorist threw a grenade at the force. The IDF force returned fire and killed him.
    In the early morning hours of April 13 an IDF force identified a terrorist squad in placing an IED near the security fence close to the Kissufim crossing.
    On March 26 an IDF officer and soldier were killed and four others were wounded near the Kissufim crossing in the central Gaza Strip. The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military-terrorist wing, claimed responsibility for the incident.
    Rocket and mortar shell fire targeting the western Negev continued (March 24-April 6, 2010). A total of five rocket hits were identifed in Israeli territory; four others fell inside the Gaza Strip. Three mortar shells were also fired, two at an IDF force during the incident on March 26. There were no casualties. Responsibility for the rocket and mortar shell fire was claimed by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.
    During the week of March 16-23, 2010 there was a significant increase in the number of rockets fired into the western Negev, with nine identified rocket hits. Five other rockets fell inside the Gaza Strip.
    On March 18 a rocket hit a greenhouse in Netiv Ha'asara, killing a Thai worker. He was the first rocket fire victim since Operation Cast Lead.
    On March 11, 2010 a rocket hit was identified on a building in the western Negev. There were no casualties. On March 13 a rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. On March 14 light arms were fired at a motorized IDF patrol moving along the border security fence. There were no casualties.
    On February 25, 2010  an IDF patrol found a rocket launcher and rocket near the security fence. The launcher was detonated in a controlled explosion by IDF experts. On March 1 an IDF tank shot at a squad of Palestinians who approached the security fence near Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip, killing one terrorist and wounding others. A search of the area revealed a mortar and detonation system. An anti-tank missile was fired at the searchers. There were no casualties reported.
    During the week of February 17-23 two hits (apparently mortar shells) were identified near the security fence inside the Gaza Strip. The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the fire, aimed at an IDF force.
    On February 18 an IED was detonated against an IDF patrol, lightly wounding one soldier.
    On February 10, a squad of suspicious Palestinians was identified and fired on near the Erez crossing. On February 12, one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage. An IDF force identified a squad of armed Palestinians approaching the security fence in the central Gaza Strip.
    During the week of February 2-9, 2010 two rocket hits (Feb 3 and 7) were identified in open areas near population centers. There were no casualties and no damage.
    Two rocket hits were identified in open areas in the western Negev onJanuary 20 and 24. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of Jan 13-20, 2010 three rocket hits and one  mortar shell hit were identified in open areas in the western Negev. In addition, a number of rockets and mortar shells were fired and landed in the Gaza Strip. There were no casualties and no damage.
    During the week of Jan 6-12, 2010, seven rocket hits were identified in Israel, most on January 7. In addition, an IDF force was shot at near the Karni crossing (Jan 7), and an IED exploded near an IDF force patrolling along the security fence (Jan 10).
    During the week of Dec 30, 2009 - Jan 5, 2010, two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev. For the first time since Operation Cast Lead, a rocket hit was identified in the southern Israeli city of Netivot (Jan 2). Responsibility was claimed by the military-terrorist wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. There were no casualties. One women was treated for shock. In addition, a mortar shell was fired at an IDF force near the security fence (Jan 4) and four mortar shells were fired at the Kerem Shalom and a rocket at the Kissufim crossings (Jan 1). On December 31, 2009, a number of armed Palestinians opened fire at an IDF force patrolling near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip.
    During the week of December 15-22, 2009, two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev (December 16). They fell in open areas, there were no casualties and no damage.
    On December 13, 2009 two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev. They fell in open areas, there were no casualties and no damage. On December 12 Palestinians opened fire with light arms on an IDF force in the Kissufim region. There were no casualties. An IDF force shot at five Palestinians suspected of terrorist activities sighted in Israeli territory after an RPG was fired at an IDF jeep.
    During the week of December 1-8, 2009, one rocket hit was identified in an open area in the western Negev (December 4). There were no casualties and no damage. On December 4 an IDF patrol was attacked with RPG and light arms fire near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip.
    During the week of November 17-24, 2009, four rocket hits were identified in open areas near towns. On November 16 two mortar shell were fired.There were no casualties and no damage. On November 18 an IED was used to attack an IDF force near the security fence south of the Karni crossing. Light arms were used to attack an IDF force near the Kissufim crossing.
    One rocket hit was identified on November 13. It landed in an open area in the western Negev; there were no casualties and no damage. An IDF force identified a squad laying an explosive device in the northern Gaza Strip, and opened fire.
    One rocket hit was identified on November 9. It landed in an open area; there were no casualties and no damage.
    One rocket hit was identified on November 2. It landed in an open area; there were no casualties and no damage. Light arms were fired at an IDF force near the Karni crossing on October 28.
    During the week of October 20-27, 2009 one rocket hit was identified in an open area near a town in the western Negev on October 21. There were no casualties. On October 20, three mortar shells were fired at an IDF force and on October 21, shots were fired at an IDF force near the security fence.
    During the week of October 12-20, 2009 two rocket hits were identified in open areas in the western Negev (October 13 and 18). There were no casualties and no damage.
    On October 7, 2009 one mortar shell hit was identified in an open field near Sderot (October 7, 2009). There were no casualties and no damage. On October 6 civilians working near the Karni crossing were attacked with light arms fir
    During the week of September 29 - October 5, 2009 five rocket hits were identified in open areas near Israeli communities (another rocket fell inside the Gaza Strip), There were no casualties and no damage. In addition, light arms were used to attack IDF force and Israeli civilians near the security fence.
    During the week of September 22-29, 2009 three rocket hits were identified in the western Negev (the Palestinians fired other rockets which landed inside the Gaza Strip). One mortar shell was fired. There were no casualties and no damage. Shots were fired at IDF patrols and Israeli civilians working near the security fence, near the Sufa and Kissufim crossings.
    During the week of September 15-22, 2009 two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev and a mortar shell was fired at civilians working near the security fence. IDF patrols and Israeli civilians working near the security fence were also shot at, mostly with light arms. 
    September 16: A mortar shell was fired at civilians working near the Kissufim IDF post.
    September 19 (Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah): Two rocket hits were identified near the Israeli city of Sderot. There were no casualties and no damage. 
    September 20: An IDF force shot at a terrorist squad planting IEDs southeast of Jabaliya, killing two terrorists and wounding three.
    September 21: Light arms were fired at Israeli civilians working near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal. There were no casualties.
    During the week of September 1-8, 2009 three rocket hits were identified and seven mortar shells:
    On September 4 and September 7, 2009 two rocket hits were identified in open fields in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On September 3, 2009, during a 24-hour period, seven mortar shells were fired, four at an IDF force near the security fence and three at communities in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage was done. In an exceptional statement, the Iz a-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’ military-terrorist wing, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Palestinians also shot at civilians working the near security fence, damaging a tractor, and at an IDF force near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip which returned fire.
    On August 30, 2009 Palestinians opened fire at Israeli civilians conducting an engineering project near the security fence in the northern Gaza Strip. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On August 29, 2009 a rocket hit was identified near a village in the western Negev. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On August 27, 2009 Palestinians opened fire at Israeli civilians engaged in non-military activities near the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. There were no casualties and no damage.
    On August 24, 2009 two mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory. One landed in an IDF base north of the Gaza Strip, slightly wounding a soldier. An hour earlier three suspicious Palestinians were identified near the security fence, apparently trying to plant an IED.
    During the week of August 12-18, 2009 one mortar shell was fired at Israel civilian working near the border fence.
    During the week of August 4-11, 2009 a rocket hit was identified in the western Negev. On August 10, Israeli civilians working near the Karni crossing were attacked by small arms fire. On August 9, two mortar shells fell near the Erez crossing inside the Gaza Strip. The attack occurred as a Palestinian heart patient was being transferred to an Israel ambulance on his way to medical treatment in Israel.
    On July 23, 2009 light arms were fired from the Gaza Strip at a group of Israeli civilians working near the Sufa crossing. There were no casualties.
    On July 16, 2009 a rocket hit was identified south of Kibbutz Nahal Oz. There were no casualties and no damage was done. On July 19 armed Palestinians launched RPGs and mortar shells at an IDF force patrolling the border fence near Kibbutz Nahal Oz.
    On July 7, 2009 a mortar shell was fired at an IDF patrol near the Karni crossing, falling in Israeli territory. On July 11 a mortar shell was fired near the Karni crossing, falling inside the Gaza Strip.
    July 2, 2009 an IDF patrol was fired on south of the Karni crossing. OnJuly 5 three mortar shells were fired at an IDF patrol near the Sufa crossing.
    On June 25, 2009 light weapons were fired at the Nahal Oz fuel terminal; there were no casualties. On June 29 two Palestinians were observed placing an IED 2 kilometers southwest of the Karni crossing.
    On June 21, 2009 an IDF force on routine patrol uncovered four IEDs placed along the border security fence in the Kissufim region of the western Negev . As the IEDs were being disarmed, two mortar shells were fired and light arms were used to attack the soldiers. There were no casualties.
    During the week of June 9-15, 2009 one rocket hit was indentified in the western Negev . There were no casualties and no damage was done.
    On May 19, 2009 a rocket hit a house in the southern city of Sderot, causing damage. Two people were treated for shock.
    During the week of May 5-12, 2009, four rockets and two mortar shell hits were identified, all of them in non-inhabited areas. There were no casualties and no damage was done.
    During the week of April 28 - May 5, 2009, one rocket and three mortar shells were fired at Israel.
    Two rockets were fired at the western Negev , on April 15 and 17, falling in open fields.
    During the week of March 31 - April 7, 2009, two rockets and two mortar shells were fired at Israel. On March 31, following the prevention of an attempt to place an IED near the border security fence, two rockets and a mortar shell were fired at western Negev communities.
    During the week of March 24-30, 2009, two rockets and one mortar shell were fired at Israel.
    During the week of March 17-23, 2009, three mortar shells were fired at IDF forces operating along the border security fence. Hamas's Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades claimed responsibility for the mortar shells fired on March 22.
    During the week of March 9-16, 2009, 14 rockets and four mortar shells fell in Israel, most of them in open areas, causing neither casualties nor property damage.
    During the week of March 3-8, 2009, 17 rockets were fired, one of them hitting the city of Netivot. There were no casualties or property damage. Nine mortar shells were launched. 
    On March 5 an anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF patrol moving along the border security fence. In response the Israeli Air Force attacked the squad. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the missile attack.
    During the week of February 25 - March 3, 25 rocket hits were identified. Two 175mm upgraded long-range rockets with a maximum range of 18 kilometers (11 miles) hit Ashkelon on February 28, one hitting a school building and causing serious damage. No mortar shells were fired.
    •  Mar 1 - Nine rocket hits were identified in the western Negev, one hitting a house in Sderot. No casualties were reported.
    •  Feb 28 - Seven rocket hits were identified, including two long-range rockets that struck in Ashkelon, one causing heavy damage to a school building when shrapnel penetrated the walls of several classrooms. Seven people living nearby suffered stress-related trauma.
    •  Feb 27 - 2 rocket hits were identified. There were no casualties and no damage was caused. 
    •  Feb 26 - 3 rockets landed in Israeli territory, two in Sderot. One rocket hit a house and the other landed in an outdoor area near the industrial zone. There were no casualties, but the house was damaged.
    During the week of February 17-24, 12 rockets and 15 mortar shells were fired from the Gaza Strip. The main incidents were the following:
    •  Feb 19 - Four rocket hits were identified - one fell near Sderot. There were no casualties and no damage was reported. 
    •  Feb 20 - Six mortar shells were fired at IDF forces. There were no casualties and no damage was reported. 
    •  Feb 20 - A three-man Palestinian terrorist squad placed an IED four kilometers northeast of the Kissufim post, and then fled. 
    •  Feb 23 - Two rocket hits were identified near Sderot. There were no casualties and no damage was reported. A terrorist squad attempted to place an IED three kilometers north of the Kissufim post. The Israeli Air Force attacked the squad.
    During the week of February 10-17, sporadic daily rocket and mortar shell fire continued targeting western Negev towns and communities, as well as IDF forces operating along the border security fence. This week 13 rockets were fired, one of them a 122mm long-range Grad rocket, which landed southwest of the city of Yavneh. In addition, six mortar shells were fired, mostly at IDF forces. Two mortar shells were fired at an Israeli Navy vessel near the Gaza shore, and a number of IEDs were detonated against IDF forces. In all the above incidents there were no casualties and no property damage was reported.
    Violations Jan 20 - Feb 8
    Organization claiming responsibility
    Israel's response
    Jan. 20
    Terrorists opened fire at IDF force south of Kissufim crossing.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Jan. 20
    Terrorists shot at IDF force near border security fence in central Gaza Strip.
    The IDF force returned fire.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Jan. 20
    Eleven mortar shells fired at IDF forces and into Israeli territory.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Jan. 25
    Terrorist squad tried to carry out rocket attack against Israel. One rocket fired, fell inside Gaza Strip.
    Palestinian media reported  Hamas prevented the rocket fire.
    Jan. 27
    An IED was detonated against IDF patrol north of Kissufim.
    A network linked to the global jihad.
    IAF struck a motorcyclist in Khan Yunis area & weapons smuggling tunnels in Rafah.
    A soldier was killed and three wounded, one of them critically. 

    Jan. 28
    A rocket fell in Israeli territory near the southern Gaza Strip.
    Fatah and the PIJ
    IAF attacked weapons manufacture facility in Rafah.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Jan. 29
    A rocket fell in an open area near Sderot.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Jan. 31
    A rocket fell south of Ashkelon.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Feb. 1
    Four rockets fired at western Negev towns and villages.
    IAF attacked a Hamas security post northeast of Nusseirat.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Feb. 1
    Armed Palestinians shot at IDF force near Kissufim in western Negev.
    Nocasualties or property damage reported.

    Feb. 1
    Six mortar shells fired into Israeli territory.
    The IAF attacked six smuggling tunnels in Rafah.
    Two IDF soldiers sustained minor shrapnel injuries.
    Feb. 2
    A rocket and two mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory.
    A PRC group claimed responsibility for the mortar shells.
    IAF attacked the rocket launching squad, killing one operative.
    No casualties or property damage reported.
    Feb. 3
    A 122mm Grad rocket fell between two buildings in the city of Ashkelon.
    Three people were treated for shock and several vehicles damaged.
    Feb. 6
    Rocket fired from the area of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza Strip hit  western Negev. Another rocket fell south of Ashkelon.
    Feb. 8
    Rocket fell in kibbutz parking lot in northwest Negev. Another fell south of Ashkelon.
    Several vehicles in the parking lot were damaged.