Israel under fire - IDF responds

Israel under fire -  IDF responds

    Since the start of Operation Protective Edge, over 809 rockets have been launched at Israel, aimed deliberately at civilian targets. IDF is striking at Hamas terror targets in Operation Protective Edge.

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    Tel Aviv synagoguge damaged by rocket fired from Gaza Tel Aviv synagoguge damaged by rocket fired from Gaza Copyright: Israel Police

    Since June 12, Israel has been the target of ever-increasing rocket and other terrorist attacks from the Gaza Strip, aimed deliberately at civilian targets. With the increased range of Hamas rockets, some 6 million Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks.

    Since the start of Operation Protective Edge, over 809 rockets have been launched at Israel, of which 635 hit Israel, and approximately 145 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. The IDF has targeted over 1320 terror targets, from the air and the sea.

    Among the sites targeted by the IDF are: long-range rocket launchers, Hamas leadership facilities, terror and smuggling tunnels, fuel-smuggling tunnels, compounds and training sites, communications facilities, air defense elements, concealed launchers, and additional sites used for terror activities targeting Israel, including command and control centers.

    Since July 8, 27 rockets fired from Gaza have fallen within Gaza. Hamas fires from civilian areas... and hits its own people.

    A rocket fired from Gaza fell short and exploded at the UNRWA warehouses causing a massive fire
    A rocket fired from Gaza fell short and exploded at the UNRWA warehouses causing a massive fire
    Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    Rockets are launched against  Israel from populated area in northern Gaza

    Rocket launched against Israel from populated area in northern Gaza, July 11, 2014
    Rockets are launched against Israel from populated areas in northern Gaza
    (July 9 & 11, 2014)
    Copyright: Reuters
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  • 6 million lives in danger

    Saturday, July 12
    During the course of the day, at leasty 129 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 117 rockets struck Israel and 9 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. The IDF hit 120 terror targets in the Gaza Strip.
    At around noon, Code Red alerts sounded in Ashdod, Ashkelon, the Eshkol Regional Council and Kiryat Gat in the south, and Nes Tziona Yavne and Rehovot.
    Shortly after 1:30pm, Code Red rocket alert sirens were sounded in Be'er Sheva, Dimona and Yeruham.
    At around 2pm, a rocket struck the road leading to a house in the southern community of Netivot. Two teenagers were injured.
    At 6:07pm, rocket alert sirens were sounded in Rishon Lezion, Ashdod, Nes Ziona, Yavne, Rehovot, Ramle, Lod, and Gan Yavne.
    At around 7pm, rocket alert sirens were sounded in Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh and the Dead Sea area, as well as in various communities near the Gaza border. Bethlehem and Hebron were hit by rockets fired from the Gaza Strip on Saturday night.
    After 9pm, 10 rockets were fired at central Israel in two volleys. Rocket alert sirens were sounded in Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Bnei Brak, Petah Tikva, Herzliya, Rehovot, Yavne, Nes Tziona, Lod, Ramle, among others.
    Friday, July 11
    During the course of the day, more than 140 rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel, of which at least 107 rockets struck Israel and 27 were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system. The IDF hit 235 terror targets in the Gaza Strip.

    At approximately 08:00 a missile hit an oil truck in a gas station in Ashdod seriously wounding one person and lightly wounding two others.
    During the night an alarm was sounded for the first time in Haifa. In Be'er Sheva, an 80 year old woman sustained moderate injuries when a Grad rocket hit her home at around 9pm, detonating the gas cylinders there. Her home was completely destroyed and two others were damaged.

    Rocket hits oil tanker, injures 3 people in Ashdod
    Rocket hits oil tanker, injures 3 people in Ashdod
    Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon


    Thursday, July 10
    Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired 192 rockets at Israel on Thursday, July 10. 141 of them hit Israel, and an additional 44 were intercepted by Iron Dome.The total number of rockets launched since July 7 has reached 681.
    Despite continuous missile fire, the border crossings into Gaza remained opened all day Thursday as well. On Wednesday, 9 July 2014, a total of 1,228 tons of food, 280,000 liters of fuel and 3 truckloads of medical supplies were transferred from Israel into the Gaza Strip.

    During the night an alarm was sounded for the first time in Haifa. In a separate incident, a rocket was fired into Israel from Lebanon, no casualties or damage were reported.

    A woman leaves her car and attempts to shield her two children and find refuge during a rocket attack in Tel Aviv
    A woman leaves her car and attempts to shield her two children and find refuge
    during a rocket attack in Tel Aviv
    Copyright: IDF Spokesperson

    Wednesday, July 9
    82 rockets hit Israel  on Wednesday July 9. An additional 21 rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome.
    During the day, Iron Dome intercepted three rockets were over the Tel Aviv metropolitan area (Gush Dan), one over the town of Kiryat Gat and three over Ashdod. Aorund 7:30 p.m. a rocket hit a building near a kindergarden in the Sha’ar HaNegev regional council.

    Tuesday, July 8
    On Tuesday evening, rocket sirens sounded across central Israel including the country’s biggest cities, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
    146 rockets were launched from Gaza. Of these, 117 struck Israel and 29 were intercepted by the Iron Dome system.
    In this 24-hour period, residents of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the southern cities of Be'er Sheva, Ashdod and Ashkelon, communities in southern Israel, including the city of Sderot, Ofakim, Sha'ar HaNegev, Sdot Negev, the Eshkol regional council, Merhavim, Kiryat Malachi, Hof Ashkelon and Be'er Tuvia and cities and towns in central Israel, including Rehovot, Herzliya, Gadera, Ramat Hasharon, Yavne, Caesarea, Binyamina, Rishon Lezion, Hadera, Givatiyim, Bat Yam and Holon were forced to seek shelter after the sirens sounded. The IDF has confirmed that three rockets hit the Jerusalem hills and one hit the city of Hadera, which is 100 km (62 miles) away from the Gaza Strip.
    There has been property damage, including from fires caused by the rockets and shrapnel.
    Due to Israel's extensive civil defense preparations, only minor injuries were reported. For example, nine civilians were lightly injured in Ashdod and the surrounding areas.

    Monday, July 7
    At least 80 rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza on Monday, July 7.
    Over 25 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip rained down on southern Israel Sunday (July 6), striking in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council, and Sderot. This followed the rocket attacks on Saturday, two of which were fired at Beersheba. At least 29 other rockets and mortars fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel over the weekend.

    Avihai Jorno inspects the damage to his home in Sderot
    hit by a rocket fired from Gaza. (Photo: Reuters)

  • Background

    Since the beginning of the year, until the launching of Operation Protective Edge, Gaza terrorists fired more than 450 rockets towards Israeli citizens. The attacks sent thousands running into bomb shelters, threatening millions of Israeli lives. In order to restore quiet to the region and stop Hamas terrorism, the IDF has commenced Operation Protective Edge.

    Since Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, Hamas has continued to arm itself with vast amounts of weaponry and is currently in possession of 10,000 rockets. Hamas deliberately and systematically exploits Palestinians and uses them as human shields when firing at Israel. With the increased range of rockets, some 6 million Israelis are currently living under the threat of rocket attacks. No nation would accept this reality.

    Although Israel's Iron Dome Missile Defense system stops some of the attacks, most rockets are capable of reaching Israel’s biggest cities. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel. Many have only 15 seconds.

    Monday, June 30 saw a sharp escalation in rocket fire, with the intensification in attacks beginning in the morning, prior to the discovery of the boys' bodies. That day, Hamas itself fired rockets.
    These rockets have injured Israelis, damaged cars, homes and property. On Thursday morning (3 July) a rocket hit a nursery school and rockets burned two factories in Sderot to the ground (28 June).

    In addition to the rocket attacks, Palestinians have carried out cross-border attacks from Gaza. A terrorist armed with a grenade infiltrated an Israeli village (22 June) and Israeli forces were attacked on 28 and 29 June.
    Hamas controls the Gaza Strip since 2007 and bears responsibility for the rocket attacks.