President Rivlin hosts a delegation of MEPs 30 October 2014

President Rivlin hosts a delegation of MEPs

    President Rivlin: Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel, we cannot tolerate the existence of terrorism in the city. We must act forcefully and without hesitation against the perpetrators.
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    President Rivlin with Members of the European Parliament at the President's Residence in Jerusalem President Rivlin with Members of the European Parliament at the President's Residence in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)
    Following his meeting today (Thursday, October 30 2014) with a delegation of Members of the European Parliament, President Rivlin, who returned from a state visit to Poland late last night, made a statement relating to the attempted murder of Yehudah Glick.
    “I wish to offer my prayers that Yehudah Glick should have a full and speedy recovery, and send my support to his family."
    The President continued to say, “This brutal attempted murder last night in Jerusalem, marks a further escalation of violence and terrorism in the city.  From the moment I landed from Poland, I have followed with concern the developments, and this morning, I have extended to the Special Police Unit, along with the police and intelligence organizations my support for their rapid and targeted actions. 
    “Jerusalem is the capital of the State of Israel, we cannot tolerate the existence of terrorism in the city. We must act forcefully and without hesitation against the perpetrators.  At moments such as these, it is crucial we are not dragged into a dangerous whirlpool of emotions.  We must allow our security forces to act to bring to justice the terrorist organizations who participated in this crime.”