President Rivlin hosts Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats 23 April 2015

President Rivlin hosts Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats

    A nuclear Iran, is a threat to all of us. In the face of these and other challenges, Israel cannot, should not, and does not stand alone.
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    President Rivlin addressing the Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats President Rivlin addressing the Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)

    President Reuven and First Lady Nechama Rivlin this afternoon, (Thursday 23 April 2015), hosted at the President's Residence, a Yom Haatzmaut reception for members of the foreign diplomatic corps stationed in Israel, as part of celebrations to mark Israel's 67th Independence Day.
    After welcoming the ambassadors and other diplomatic representatives, the President spoke of the importance of democracy as the very essence of the State of Israel.  He said, "I know that liberty, that democracy, are not to be taken for granted.  Israel’s independence is the fulfillment of a two thousand year old dream.  I look around me with such pride at all that we have achieved, from literature to film, technology to medicine, agriculture to academia.  Israel is a beacon of democracy in a pained region.  In the Middle East today, we see women, men and children on the frontline in a fight for their basic rights, giving their lives for the sake of freedom.  It is my hope and prayer that in our days, those who are fighting against fundamentalism, will also taste liberty and freedom."
    The President stressed the importance of the good relations between Israel and other nations around the world, and of the need to take a joint, firm stand against the possibility of a nuclear Iran.  He said, "We are one family, a family of nations.  We all face, many similar challenges: The rise of fundamentalist groups, bringing death and destruction, spreading hatred, and spilling innocent blood.  A nuclear Iran, is a threat to Israel, as it is to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, France, Denmark, to all of us.  In the face of these and other challenges, Israel cannot, should not, and does not, stand alone."
    The President concluded, "On this day, we not only celebrate our independence, but our true partnership, with our friends around the world, with you.  Together, side by side, we will find the way, we must find the way, to make this world a safer place, a more promising one, a place of freedom. This is our duty to our people and to our children. Thank you for your partnership, for your friendship, for being here today.  In the name of the citizens of Israel I ask you to send our blessing and gratitude to your people back home.  Happy Israel Independence Day."
    Deputy Foreign Minister MK Tzachi Hanegbi also attended the event.  He said, "This week has become for us so unique and symbolic because it melts together three of the most dramatic chapters in the history of the Jewish people in modern times: the story of the incomprehensible tragedy of the slaughter of millions of our people commemorated on Holocaust Memorial Day; the story of the miraculous occurrence we experienced upon our return from five continents to found the sovereign state in our ancient homeland as reflected in Independence Day; and Remembrance Day for Israel's soldiers and victims of terrorism, which marks the heavy price exacted by our enemies, whose deep seated hatred forces us to engage in a daily battle to ensure our future." 
    He spoke of the importance of cooperation, and said, "The expanding scope of cooperation between Israel and your countries is unprecedented, in agriculture, hi-tech, security, combatting terror, promoting trade, medicine, academia and many other fields, Israel is assisting and being assisted.  In the coming years we will continue to broaden and upgrade these cooperative undertakings to new heights for the benefits of our peoples."