Māori & Israel Strengthen Bonds in Northland

Māori & Israel Strengthen Bonds in Northland

    Indigenous solidarity reached a crescendo in Northland over the weekend as the Northland Ngapuhi hosted Israeli Ambassador, HE Dr Itzhak Gerberg, for a powerful Powhiri and Hakari Banquet. Held at the Kohewhata Marae in Kaikohe, Northland, the “Heart to Heart Powhiri” held in Māori tradition included a ceremony, songs and performances by local groups.

    Ngapuhi Kaumatua and partner of Aotearoa Reconciliation Cry Hikoi Journey, Mr Pat Ruka, led Amb Gerberg, who was wearing a Korowai (traditional cloak), onto the marae. The Kaikohe Christian School Kapahaka Group performed. Jacqueline and Wally Te Huia presented a Taonga (Taiaha of Reconciliation).
    The purpose of the hui was to make "a clear stand" and embrace Israel further tightening the bonds between the Māori and Israel, “reconciling whenua to whenua - with Tangata whenua!” 

    The event was held on Sunday, November 25th, and also marked the culmination of Jacqueline Te Huia and Janine Marie Smith’s Aotearoa Reconciliation Cry Journey to Jerusalem and back. Monday, November 26th, a delegation including Amb Gerberg will tour Taiamai Waka and then the Waitangi Treaty Grounds.

    To learn more about the Māori and Israel’s special relationship, please see ori & Israeli Solidarity Led by Ngapuhi​ 

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