Message from Ambassador Yosef Livne

Passover Message


    ​Dear Friends,

    This weekend brings with it the convergence of two major occurrences. The Christian world is commemorating Good Friday and Easter and we are getting ready to recall the redemption of our forefathers and the first steps towards our definition as a people.
    Passover, notwithstanding its antiquity, projects an everlasting message of hope. The aspiration for freedom from coercion which led Moses to confront the Pharaoh time and again is just as relevant today, when in different parts of the Globe so many people struggle to maintain their right to worship according to their beliefs. Could it be otherwise?
    For us as Jews the celebration of Pessach also marks the beginning of a month long period of momentous dates. Whereas during next week we shall celebrate our exodus from bondage, soon afterwards we shall remember the horrors of the Shoa when Jews had neither land nor the ability to defend themselves. We shall then wipe our tears and rejoice in the rebirth of Jewish sovereignty in our ancient homeland.
    Unfortunately, we have not yet achieved the realization of the prophetic vision of peace in our land. We still have to face those who subscribe to the ancient hatred of Jews. Nevertheless, just like “Vehe Sheamda” in the Haggadah, we shall never lose our faith.
    Allow me to wish  you all on behalf of all of us in the Embassy a Happy Passover.