Kia ora Torah

Kia ora Torah

    A 6-month lecture series for the Wellington Jewish Community, 2012
    Are you up for Jewish exercise? Then get ready to stretch your mind!
    You are invited to participate in Kia ora Torah : Jewish thoughts for Jewish minds, a limmud-style, 2-part series of lectures and discussions that will bring together different religious and academic perspectives for members of the Wellington Jewish Community and their partners. The spirit of the series is for you to learn about Jewish traditional and modern thought in a social environment, where you can engage in discussion and leave each week with your minds filled with Jewish knowledge and debate that makes you feel absolutely positively Jewish!
    You can choose which classes you attend throughout the six months, and you will have the opportunity to work on a 2-3 page project of your choice that can be presented on the last day, and even published!
    Where : Soho Cafe and Bar, 72 Taranaki Street.
    When : Monday evenings, 6 - 9 pm, from 5th March - 24th September.
    You will have the opportunity to socialise and purchase kosher food and drink, while listening to Jewish music. Presentations will run from 6.30 -7.30pm. A short break will follow and class will continue from 7.45 - 8.45pm.
    Entry by koha. No need to register.
    A detailed lecture outline will be available at the end of February.
    For more information contact Michelle Gezentsvey Lamy 5897159.