Israel protests Iran deal to Argentinean Ambassador

Israel protests Iran deal

  •   Israel protests Iran deal to Argentinean Ambassador
    ​MFA Deputy Director-General Itzhak Shoham conveyed Israel's astonishment and disappointment at the Argentinean government's decision to collaborate with Iran after the latter's responsibility for the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Community Center was exposed.​​
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesman)

    The Ambassador of Argentina in Israel was summoned today to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem for a clarification talk. The MFA's Deputy Director-General for Latin America, Ambassador Itzhak Shoham, conveyed Israel's astonishment and disappointment at the Argentinean government's decision to collaborate with Iran after the latter's responsibility for the bombing of the AMIA Jewish Community Center was exposed by the investigation conducted by the Argentinean authorities themselves.

    Amb. Shoham protested the unacceptable attitude of the Argentinean government towards Israel since the beginning of contacts between Buenos Aires and Tehran.

    Although a deadly attack destroyed the Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires two years prior to the AMIA bombing (killing 29 persons , including four Israeli diplomats and wounding 250) and although the findings of the Argentinean investigations have pointed to the great resemblance between the attacks and the involvement of Iran and Hizbullah in both, Argentina has not responded to Israel's legitimate requests to be informed of its new diplomatic moves with Iran, nor of the way in which Argentina envisages bringing the perpetrators to justice.

    Argentina's approach is particularly disappointing given the intimate relationship to which Israel is accustomed with Argentina, a very friendly country, Shoham stated.

    Amb. Shoham added, "A lack of resolve in dealing with terrorism sends a message of weakness. Had Argentina dealt resolutely with the 1992 attack on the Israeli Embassy, the 1994 AMIA bombing might not have happened."