Israel mourns passing of Minister Uri Orbach 16 Feb 2015

Israel mourns passing of Minister Uri Orbach

    Uri Orbach had a deep sensitivity for every human being, a sensitivity that he brought with him as Senior Citizens Minister and to all his endeavors.
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    Uri Orbach z"l Uri Orbach z"l
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said that "Uri Orbach was a central figure in the life of the State of Israel in recent decades, and the imprint he left on Israeli society will last forever. Orbach succeeded in giving voice to a large and important segment of Israeli society. He united his love for the land of Israel with his love for the people of Israel. May his memory be blessed."

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 16 February 2015), expresses his deep sorrow over the passing of Minister Uri Orbach:

    "I mourn the passing of Minister Uri Orbach, a writer, a journalist, a spiritual man and a Jewish patriot. Uri won over all who listened to him with his charm, knowledge and deep wisdom which stemmed from the depths of his soul. He had a deep sensitivity for every human being, a sensitivity that he brought with him as Senior Citizens Minister and to all his endeavors. Despite his exceptional qualities, there was no malice in him. I never met anyone who knew him and did not love him. Last night, alongside members of his family, I said goodbye to him at the hospital with a profound sense of grief and loss. Uri will be sorely missed by his dear family, his Cabinet colleagues and the State of Israel."