Israel establishes diplomatic relations with Niue

Israel establishes diplomatic relations with Niue

  •   This agreement not only strengthens our ties but also reflects our shared commitment to global peace and security
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    Establishment of diplomatic ties with Niue Establishment of diplomatic ties with Niue Copyright: Jojoy Solano
    ​On the 1st of August 2023, the state of Israel and the Government of Niue officially established diplomatic relations, formalizing a new era of collaboration and mutual understanding between the two nations. 

     “This agreement not only strengthens our ties but also reflects our shared commitment to global peace and security to promote innovation, economic growth, and people-to-people connections for the benefit of both our societies,” Yaakoby said.

    Tagelagi also welcomed diplomatic ties with Israel.  

    “We open the doors to a future of shared opportunities in areas such as technology, trade, education, and cultural exchange,” he was quoted as saying.