His Excellency Ambassador Ran Yaakoby was the first Israeli citizen to cast his vote for the Israel 2022 election

Israel Election 2022

  •   His Excellency Ambassador Ran Yaakoby was the first Israeli citizen to cast his vote for the Israel 2022 election
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    Ambassador first vote 2022 Ambassador first vote 2022
    His Excellency Ambassador Ran Yaakoby was the first Israeli citizen to cast his vote for the Israel 2022 election. "For the second time since I arrived in Wellington at the beginning of 2021 - I am opening the round of votes in Israel's missions around the world. Last year I expressed hope that this was the first and last vote during my four-year service and that the government that will be elected will be stable and successful. This year, too, I hope and wish the same for all of us.”

    ​The elections for Israel's 25th Knesset began tonight (Thursday 10 October 2022) with the opening of voting in the various polling stations scattered around the world. More than 4,500 eligible voters are expected to turn up and cast their ballots, in a vote that began tonight when polls opened in New Zealand - and will continue until Friday at 6 a.m. when polls close in Los Angeles and San Francisco.