Governor-General of New Zealand visits Israel

Governor-General of New Zealand visits Israel

    H.E. Governor-General of New Zealand Patsy Reddy will hold the first visit of a reigning Governor-General of New Zealand to Israel, between October 29 and November 1, 2017.
    The visit will focus on the centenary events, commemorating the ANZAC victory in the battle for Be’er-Sheva.  The focal point of the Governor General's visit will be a ceremony at the Tel-Sheva commemoration site with the joint participation of the Governor-General with H.E. PM Benjamin Netanyahu and other dignitaries.
    A staged reenactment of the Battle of Be’er-Sheva, in which approximately 3000 Australians and New Zealanders will participate, will be the main event of the centenary commemoration events, hosted by PM Netanyahu in Be’er-Sheva.
    The Governor-General will be accompanied through the duration of the visit by her spouse and is scheduled to meet with H.E. PM Netanyahu, to inaugurate an Art Exhibition at the Rishon LeZion Museum of Arts portraying the events of 1917, and to participate in a luncheon in her honor to be hosted by H.E. President Reuven Rivlin.
    The visit will also see the strengthening of bilateral ties, as an MOU in the field of aviation is due to be signed.
    New Zealand and Israel have a long history of positive cooperation dating back to the Battle of Be’er-Sheva, but also share modern values and a great enthusiasm to promote, inter alia, future cooperation in the fields of R&D, High Tech, Agriculture and Cyber Technologies.
    The visit will undoubtedly further cement the ties between Israel and New Zealand, on all levels.