First Jewish Media Summit begins in Jerusalem 22 Jun 2014

First Jewish Media Summit begins in Jerusalem

    Four-day event brings together over 100 Jewish media delegates from more than 25 countries to discuss some of the major topics facing Israel and the Diaspora.
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    Jewish Media Summit 2014 Jewish Media Summit 2014
    More than one hundred correspondents, editors, bureau chiefs and publishers of many of the top Jewish media outlets in the world will gather in Jerusalem for the first Jewish Media Summit (JMS) on Sunday, June 22, 2014.

    Over 25 countries are represented at the gathering which was organized by the Government Press Office, the Ministry of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, JNF-KKL and the Jewish Agency.

    Israel’s top leaders will be taking part in this important gathering including: Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli President Shimon Peres, Israeli President Elect Reuven Rivlin, Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein, Minister of Diaspora Affairs Naftali Bennett, Chairman of the Jewish Agency Natan Sharansky and more.     

    The gathering is designed to bring together top Jewish media professionals and discuss some of the major topics facing Israel and the Diaspora. Amongst the topics to be discussed: The Role of Jewish Media in Maintaining Jewish Life, Israel’s Image Problem, Jewish Media Coverage of Israel, New Economic Models for Jewish Media, the Joint Initiative of the Israeli Government and World Jewry and more.

    The delegates will also get a chance to get to know sides of Israel they might not be familiar with through special tours arranged specially for the JMS.

    For a complete schedule, further information on the summit, log onto the conference’s website. The majority of the proceedings will be broadcast live on the site.