FM Liberman on IAEA rejection of anti-Israeli resolution 26 Sep 2014

FM Liberman on IAEA rejection of anti-Israeli resolution

    Rejection of the resolution sends a powerful message that the international community does not agree with the attempt to blame Israel whent the danger to stability in the Middle East and world peace comes from Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.
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    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman welcomed the decision of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to reject, by a large majority, the anti-Israeli resolution “Israeli Nuclear Capabilities."

    FM Liberman stated that this is a victory for Israeli diplomacy and congratulated Foreign Ministry personnel who worked hard to prevent the resolution from being accepted. The Foreign Minister also thanked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who took part in this effort, discussing it with world leaders. In recent weeks, the foreign minister spoke with many of his colleagues abroad and with heads of state about opposing the resolution.

    Liberman said that rejection of the resolution sends a powerful message that the international community does not agree with the meaningless attempt to blame Israel when everyone knows - including the Arab states that stood behind the proposed resolution - that the danger to stability in the Middle East and world peace does not come from a responsible and peace-loving nation like Israel, but from the continuing efforts by Iran to obtain nuclear weapons and also from terrorist groups, organizations that receive funding from some of the Arab states behind the anti-Israeli resolution.

    Foreign Minister Liberman said that it would be better if the same Arab states that tabled the resolution would consider what their situation would be if the nuclear reactor that Syria tried to establish near Dir al-Zur had fallen now into the hands of ISIS or al-Nusra Front, instead of engaging in provocations against Israel.