FM Liberman meets with colleagues in New York 28 Sep 2014

FM Liberman meets with colleagues in New York

    Iran must not be allowed to continue to pursue its nuclear program which is threatening the small measure of stability that still remains in the Middle East.
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    FM Liberman meets with Canadian FM John Baird FM Liberman meets with Canadian FM John Baird Copyright: Shahar Azran
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman met on Sunday (28 September 2014) in New York with the foreign ministers of Canada, the Czech Republic, Greece, Austria and Rwanda. FM Liberman thanked his five colleagues for their countries' vote last week against the anti-Israeli resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    FM Liberman discussed with his colleagues the strengthening of bilateral relations as well as global issues. He noted that the greatest threat today to world stability is the persistent efforts by terror organizations to seize possession of weapons of mass destruction by taking over states. FM Liberman told his counterparts that the free world must form a united front to combat these efforts.

    On the Palestinian issue, FM Liberman stated that the speech by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas last Friday at the UN General Assembly renders him irrelevant to any attempt to achieve an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

    On the negotiations between the world powers and Iran, FM Liberman said he is pessimistic as to the chances of achieving a reasonable agreement, and that Iran must not be allowed to continue to pursue its nuclear program which is threatening the small measure of stability that still remains in the Middle East.