Editorials 25 January 2015

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press  

    The Jerusalem Post cautions voters regarding irresponsible and misleading statements by former senior military commanders intending to enter politics, and notes: “Fast-tracking star officers to political prominence – and then basking in their military glory – seems a requisite for parties in our arena.” The editor asserts: “Former top brass superciliously expound, endlessly opine and applaud the commanding preeminence of their analysis and prescience, and concludes: “It is time the electorate adopts the motto of caveat emptor – buyer beware.”
    Haaretz calls on Israeli Arabs to “go vote and create an alternative to the government that excludes you,” and adds: “Israeli Arabs, who suffer from institutionalized exclusion, must understand that the most effective way to combat discrimination is by voting for parties that represent them.”  
    Yediot Aharonot warns that “Israel could pay a price for Netanyahu's Congress speech,” and is concerned that the invitation coupled with Obama's refusal to meet with Netanyahu could intensify the polarity between the Republican’s and the Democrat’s towards Israel. The author states that if the speech is effective in getting Netanyahu reelected, “He may find an even more hostile and critical president in the White House who will not want to see him until the end of his term,” and asserts: “Without America's support, Israel will be unable to deal with the European and Palestinian challenges closing in on the Jewish state.” 
    Yisrael Hayom comments on the disintegration of Yemen, a fact signifying, according to the author, “Another Obama failure.” The author notes that “The Yemen chaos is an unpleasant message to the new king of Saudi Arabia, who sees how yet again under Obama Washington is unable to protect its allies, while Iran continues to plant its flag in more Arab countries, and despite the supposed pressure continues to grow stronger,” and, asks: “Is it any wonder that Congress is worried about the results of the talks on Iran's nuclear program?”
    Globes notes several reasons for the “remarkably rapid decline of Europe in recent years,” and believes that there is little hope for a solution: “Even if the causes of decline were understood, there is no indication of the will to confront them, which would require not only drastic revision of the European welfare state model, but the willingness to demand that immigrants follow the laws and customs of the host countries or be expelled.” The editor believes that what this means for Israel is that “the pivot to Asia must continue and be strengthened.” 
    [Eytan Gilboa, Boaz Bismuth and Norman Bailey wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot, Yisrael Hayom and Globes, respectively.]