Cabinet communique 16 November 2014

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: Abu Mazen must halt the incitement that leads to acts of violence. This is one of the roots of the inflamed moods that are fueled by Islamist extremist propaganda and propaganda by the Palestinian Authority.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 16 October 2014):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Last Thursday I met with King Abdullah and US Secretary of State John Kerry. We called for a calming of the situation, the restoration of quiet and a halt to incitement and violence. I said that it is impossible to stop the violence without stopping the incitement that leads to violence.
    Less than 24 hours after this meeting in Amman, the official media of the Palestinian Authority called for a day of rage in Jerusalem. Abu Mazen must halt the incitement that leads to acts of violence. This is one of the roots of the inflamed moods that are fueled by Islamist extremist propaganda and propaganda by the Palestinian Authority.
    I call on Abu Mazen to stop this propaganda immediately. In any case, Israel will defend its citizens against acts of violence. We will use all legal means at our disposal, including new legislation, to maintain the security of our citizens and residents.
    Israel is also being challenged by lies being disseminated to the effect that we intend to change the status quo on the Temple Mount – this is a gross lie. We are being challenged by the unwillingness to recognize the right of the Jewish People to a state of its own.
    Israel is a Jewish and democratic state. Democracy here finds expression in the right of every person to vote in secret elections. It finds expression in Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, which promises full individual rights in a manner that is unprecedented anywhere in the very large region around us.
    The Jewish aspect of the state finds expression in its being the one and only national state of the Jewish People, with a flag, national anthem and the right of the Jewish People to come here. The balance between these two facets is necessary, both to balance our judicial system, which certainly recognizes the democratic aspect, and now needs to also recognize the aspect of our being the national state of the Jewish people.
    Today we will move forward on the nationality law that is designed to bring this balance. It will yet undergo many changes and discussions, but we will make it clear that the State of Israel is the national state of the Jewish People, while providing for equal rights – and ensuring equal rights – for all its citizens."
    2. Pursuant to Article 43 of the Bank of Israel Law, the Cabinet approved the proposal of Bank of Israel Governor Dr. Karnit Flug – which was approved by the Bank of Israel Supervisory Council – regarding the issuing of new coins.
    3. The Cabinet appointed new members to the Government Names Committee.
    4. The Cabinet decided to transfer from the Minister of Tourism to the Minister of Religious Services the authority granted to the former under Article 4 of the 1967 Protection of Holy Places Law.
    Pursuant to Article 31b ofBasic Law: The Government,  the foregoing will be submitted for Knesset approval.
    5. The Cabinet marked National Commitment to Road Safety Day. National Road Safety Authority Director Yaakov Sheinan briefed ministers on the struggle against road accidents.
    6. Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption Ministry Director General Oded Forer briefed ministers on the activities of his ministry. 
    Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky commended the recent Cabinet decision regarding conversion to Judaism and said that the decision will assist in increasing immigration to Israel. He noted that the number of new immigrants this year from the West was greater than that from countries in distress. He stressed that the issue of the non-recognition of the professional credentials of immigrants to Israel must be resolved so that immigrants are allowed to practice their professions.
    Prime Minister's Office Director General Harel Locker said that a proposal on the issue would be submitted for Cabinet approval soon.