50 Years of Diplomatic Relations

50 Years of Diplomatic Relations

  •   In order to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the State of Germany a special screening of “Farewell, Herr Schwartz” took place at the Lighthouse Cinema in Wellington.

    In order to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the State of Germany a special screening of “Farewell, Herr Schwartz” was shown at the closing of the “Image, Memory and Testimony” Film series organized by the Goethe Institute and the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand.

    Following the screening of the film a special reception was held. Ambassador Yosef Livne gave a speech:


    Honorable Deputy Head of Mission of Germany Mr. Henzschel, Members of the Embassies of Germany and Israel and other Embassies. Representatives of the New Zealand Film Commission and the Goethe Institute, Representatives of the Jewish community, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,
    First of allow me to begin by thanking Ambassador Dr. Anne- Marie Schleich for supporting this joint event. I have no doubt she would have been here were it not for reasons beyond her control. Anne Marie- Thank you, Toda Raba and Danke.
    Thank you all for coming here tonight to share with us the screening of this film. Undoubtedly the story is one which reflects the tremendous impact of the Shoa not only on the Jewish people as a whole but on individuals such as Herr Schwartz. The horrifying effects of the Holocaust did not stop when the Nazi beast was finally defeated. The plight of the survivors wandering around the European continent, shocked by the living hell they had gone through and not knowing exactly if they were alone in the world or if anyone of their families had miraculously survived.

    The looming light of the nascent Jewish State attracted so many of the remnants of European Jewry, and from different corners of the shambles they made their way to build a new homeland in the historic land of the Jewish Nation. Their contribution was crucial in so many ways.

    The State of Israel came into being as the renewed sovereignty of the Jewish people but also as the voice of the victims and the survivors. The memories and the legacy of the Shoa have become a part of our national narrative. It translated itself to a commitment to never forget the horrors, nor forgive the perpetrators. Germany, at the beginning as the federal Republic, under the leadership of Konrad Adenauer recognized its responsibility. Slowly the two nations worked towards a relationship. Now we commemorate 50 years of full diplomatic relations. We will never erase the memories of the Holocaust, but we can build and indeed we did build a relation which encompasses so many fields of human endeavor. Germany and Israel stand as partners in many aspects- in culture, innovation and the economy. The fact that tonight we co-sponsor this film which is a joint German-Israeli co-production is a testimony of our close relations.
    I am confident that the relations will develop further in the coming 50 years.
    Thank you